Sunday, March 2, 2014

#marriagemonday: In It Together!

A quick 'I love you' text.

A mid-morning phone call.

A smirk or grin.

A loving touch.

A hand in the small of your back.

A listening ear.

A 'catch up on life' conversation.

What simple thing have you done lately to let your spouse know that you are in it together?

In it together! In WHAT together ... you might be asking?

Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years.


Good, bad or indifferent- you are in it together. Some days may be hard. Some moments you may feel all alone. But, you must remember that through it all, you are together.

The winter has been long and cold. It's the hardest time of year to stay upbeat and positive. Funks (my word for life's down times) are in full force.

Don't despair. Lean on your spouse. Know you are not alone. Your commitment to one another will be in tact long after this dark time has passed. It will be strong when this time of year comes again and again and again.

Happy #marriagemonday to you! Are you ready for a challenge? Do you want out of this dark time of year?

Lent is right around the corner. Fat Tuesday is tomorrow and then a time to give up something for 40 days begins. My challenge is for you to not give up a thing, but rather add something to your each and every married day.

For 40 days, do something small, yet meaningful and intentional for your spouse. Leave a note. Send a text. Grab a morning snuggle. Take an extra minute. Do a chore. Start a car. Make a favorite meal. Buy a special snack.

More than anything, just take 40 days to remember why you married your spouse and how you felt the moment you said, "I do!" And then, after you remember, take the time needed to do the simple things that will make your relationship grow stronger yet.

I'm going to start my 40 days a little early with a 'shout out' for my dear hubby! Here's to a man who always has nice things to say about me (even when I'm being awful). He's never kept me away from friends (and actually pushes me out the door to spend time with the other special people in my life). He listens. He helps. He keeps me laughing. He makes me feel like I'm a princess and tells me over and over that he is the luckiest man on earth!

I think I'm the one who's lucky!

Gestures; appreciation; intentional acts.
 Marriage. Keep it strong.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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