Tuesday, March 11, 2014

#tuesdaytip: It's The Effort That Counts

 All day I have avoided this blog like the plague. It's not that I haven't began typing more than ten times; rather it's that I haven't been able to get past the first sentence. 

I think I am struggling to offer a tip, when truly, I have a question (or several). 

How do we know if someone is putting in her maximum effort? Who are we to judge if a person is doing his best. When did we become all-knowing for what others should be capable of? 

These questions are the ones I am asking myself over and over and over. Yet, I still feel that I am NOT getting a maximum effort out of one of my children. Today I've been unable to write because I don't know what to think about the concept of 'effort'. 

Certainly when we participate in an activity, complete a task at work or finish a household chore, we are able to judge the amount of effort we put into it. More than likely the outcome matches the effort, hard work and attitude we had when doing it. After years of living, you start to realize that you get out of something about as much as you put into it. 

Church, friendships, work outcomes, exercising, dieting, marriage ... just to name a few ... when things are not going right in these areas, chances are, you're not contributing much effort, hard work or positivity. And you'll only have as much success as you are allowing. 

If we all struggle with putting in effort to each part of our lives, how can we judge others or assume how much effort is being given?

I'm really torn about some negative thoughts I am having about my child's hard work in a recent activity. I wonder why I can't just be happy for her growth. I wonder why I'm doubting so much that her best effort was being contributed. I wonder if at some level I am wanting her to be something or someone she is not. Who am I to say if her drive in life is wrong just because it is different than my own?

My daughter has an wondrous go-with-the-flow attitude. She is book smart and creative and quirky. She is kind, caring, responsible and respectful. She can remember any fact she has read or heard. She loves life and sees a bright future for herself. She's not overly meticulous or picky. She doesn't have to have everything in a certain order but keeps things where she can find them. She's wiling to try new things and likes new adventures.

Knowing all this, why am I still struggling?

I think it's because she doesn't do things how I would do them. I can go with a lot of 'flows', but my get-up-and-go is not relaxed and laid back. I'm a getter-done type girl. And if I want something, I don't sit back; rather I jump to the stars. 

Whew. Effort. It's not my job to say how much she is putting in. But, it is my job to support her, love her and encourage her to always be her best. 

Thanks, blog readers, for letting me work through that one! Have a great Hump Day tomorrow. Offer your best effort to as much of your life as you can. Remember, you can't be it all and do it all with every ounce of hard work, effort and positivity you have (and neither can my daughter)!

add these 3 things to as many parts of life as possible- 
assume others are doing the same

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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