Friday, March 14, 2014

#fridayfolly: I Slowed Down!

It's Friday ... time again for me to reflect on the week; the good, the bad and the ugly! This week, though, I think my #folly is actually a #wonder!

Spring break week was upon us- yippee!

Our family needed a week of no rushing and a little relaxation. Why, you might ask, is it bad that I slowed down? The answer ... it isn't! It's wonderful. The problem is that it's back to the grind on Monday and I don't know that I'm prepared to get out of my 'slow down' state (which, again, might not be all that bad)!

This week was full of fun: parks, pool, movie, gym time, zoo, indoor play place, lunch with dad, basement playing, coloring and lots of sit-down time. While we had our moments of sibling squabbles, overall it was a huge success. Yeah, us!

Weeks like this are what life is all about. It's important to remember, though, that life is not one big vacation. Life still has responsibilities, obligations and LOTS of things to pay for. 

The struggle in life is realizing how to balance. It's understanding when it's time to work and when it's time to play. The unfortunate thing for me, is that I sometimes forget how to let things go in order to enjoy playtime. 

I know next week, the you-know-what is going to hit the fan. All the things that I dreadfully avoided this week (when I could have got them done) are going to catch up to me and stress me out. I hope next week I'm not writing a #fridayfolly about me spoiling too many days with my crabby attitude.

Just in case I forget why this week was so wonderful, I'll share my top 10 lessons learned from living life just a little bit slower!

10. Coffee tastes so much better on the couch curled up in pj's than it does being chugged in the car rushing too and fro!
             I must remember to JUST SIT and ENJOY. 

9. Helping a child complete a task or homework is far more rewarding when the mind isn't racing about a million other things needing to be done. 
             I must remember to BE PRESENT!

8. Being together is more fun than being along- no matter what you are doing. 
             I must remember NOT to take my obnoxious family for GRANTED. 

7. Parks are way better when they are played on- 'tickle monster' never gets old. 
             I must remember to PLAY!

6. Harsh, mean words stick far longer than sweet, kind comments. 
             I must remember to be a LOVING example for my kiddos (kindness does spread). 

5. Life moves too quickly, but slowing down and skipping chores allows for more enjoyment.
             I must remember to LIVE in the MOMENT (and let the dishes sit)!

4. Sometimes doing 'nothing', leads to hours of productive imaginative play. 
             I must remember to STAY PUT and JUST BE. 

3. Being frugal is a great money saver, but sometimes it's okay (and easier) to just splurge. 
             I must remember it's okay to SPEND our well-earned money. 

2. Family is most important, but friends can bring out the best in each member. 
             I must remember to MAKE TIME for friends. 

1. Morning snuggles are precious and start the day on the right foot. 
           I must remember to HUG my children every single morning!

Do less  
Count blessings  
Things don't matter  
Don't waste

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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