Caring for of yourself in the midst of taking care of the life going on around you is easier said than done.
There isn't always time to do the things that make you the best you know you can be.
It's hard. There's never enough time.
BUT ... Do it anyway!
If you are not taking time to care for yourself, you are no good to anyone around you.
What is it that makes you feel most complete? What hobbies do you enjoy? Where do you feel most at peace? When do you feel the healthiest?
Even as I sit here writing about how important it is to take time for yourself, I'm reflecting on the million and two things that need to be done. And yet, none of those are as important as the reminder that it's okay to do something for yourself.
So, tonight I will head out after bedtime to get a little 'girl' time. I'll catch up with some old friends that I haven't seen in way too long. Some of them will make it and some of them will get caught up in their life with small children. Those of us that go will be so thankful that we left the house on this cold, blustery and wet fall day. It won't be easy for any of us to get there, but the payoff will be worth it!
Next summer, my husband will head out fishing for a week with friends. It's never easy for him to get away- but, darn it, it's so important. There will be a few weekends here and there that he sneaks away for a fishing or hunting day. It won't be as often as he'd like, but I'll support him as much as possible. He needs his outdoor time as much as I need my 'girl' time.
What have you done recently for yourself? What hobby or special thing do you have that's your very own? Do you do it? Do you make time to make your life worth living.
This morning I ran into a mom friend of mine. I had met her at church a few years back and have loved watching her family grow. She is beautiful in every sense of the word - kind, loving, supportive, caring, nurturing ... someone who I have always looked up to since I met. She is battling cancer. She is fighting every day.
My Tuesday Tip is more than just taking time for yourself ... it's also loving every minute of the life you have been blessed with. Who knows what tomorrow may bring? Love yourself and the people around you. Take time to appreciate your health if you have it. Notice the strengths and gifts you have been blessed with and don't waste another day not using them.
Please keep those struggling with their health in your thoughts and prayers today. Do everything you can to nurture your own health- both your physical and mental health. We only have one life and one body! Take time to appreciate yours today!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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