Friday, October 25, 2013

Take Time to Unwind

Yesterday I picked up my daily devotional book (something I don't do as consistently as I should) and the message could not have been more clearly for me ... 

"Lie down in green pastures of peace. Learn to unwind whenever possible, resting in the Presence of your Shepherd. This electronic age keeps My children 'wired' much of the time, too tense to find Me in the midst of their moments. I built into your very being the need for rest. How twisted the world has become when people feel guilty about meeting this basic need. How much time and energy they waste by always being on the go, rather than taking time to seek My direction for their lives."


If there is one thing I can own in this world, it's guilt.

Before I became a mom, I would hear people talking about the 'mommy guilt' and didn't fully understand it's impact. I've come to realize though, that it's not just mommies that struggle with guilt. Surely, men are better at compartmentalizing their lives (and not intertwining every darn facet of daily living like most women), but they, too, struggle with allowing themselves to be human and mess-up.

Consistency is root of solving all issues. Consistency is amazing in theory ...

Cleaning, volunteering, making healthy dinners, reading up on latest trends, spending quality time with loved ones, working out - must I go on?

Life is anything but consistent. Every time I try to take 'control' of life, I'm reminded that I have very little do with controlling what is happening around me. The only thing I have control of (at least some of the time) is my reaction to what life throws at me.

It's funny how we think a weekly dinner board or a more organized closet or chore chart are going to solve the issue of life. WE CAN NOT CONTROL LIFE!

So, what's the answer?

I think I found it in my daily devotional yesterday ... let it go. Let go of the idea that doing just one more thing is going to 'fix' everything. The one more thing in your life is probably preventing you from getting the rest you need. It's causing you to busy yourself so much that you forget how critical it is to unwind.

This weekend, try not to rush around and spend all your time preparing for the week ahead. Take time for yourself to unwind. Relax with the people in your life you love the most. Don't beat yourself up if you stray from the routine. Allow yourself to NOT be consistent. Let go of the guilt.

I was reminded this morning by an old friend that I have four great excuses for not being consistent. It's time to appreciate where I'm at in life, let go of all the guilt that keeps me doing just one more thing and realize that tackling one moment at a time is okay!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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