Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Be Flexible!

Well, my Tuesday Tip is once again more for me than it is for you!

Having flexibility as one of your strengths is such an asset in this world we live in. It's unfortunate that it is NOT one of mine.

I am full of harmony and quite adaptable in any given situation ... but consistency and routine are extremely important to me (I know this is humorous since I have four children and can rarely rely on a 'normal' day!).

When one thinks of flexibility ... bending most always comes to mind. My husband and I were having a quick conversation last night on the importance of watching our children participate in activities; REALLY WATCHING. This can be difficult since children's activities can, at times, drive a person to want to pull his hair out! He pointed out how much our children appreciate when we notice the little improvements they are making. He was spot on!

Seconds later my daughter came up the stairs. "Honey, I noticed tonight how hard you were trying to do the splits in class. You kept working at it the whole time and didn't give up!"

My oldest is quite tall for her age- flexibility is not easy for her. She recanted by saying how difficult it was and how badly it hurt. My husband followed up her comment by reminding her that if she tries a little everyday, she will see great growth and improvement (he also added that he didn't want her to end up like him ... not as flexible as one would hope).

Whether we are talking about improving our own physical flexibility or our ability to accept that life has unseen bends and turns, we have to practice. We have to try. We have to do our very best with each opportunity that presents itself.

Today was a 'slow-down' day after what felt like a hurricane month. I stayed in bed too long. I cuddled with my hubby. I laid with my five-year-old. I took my time waking everyone up.

I strayed from the routine.

I didn't do the normal.

I let myself be flexible.


Whining kids, unmade lunches, dirty dishes piled up, frantic mommy-mode ... I wish I could blame my kids. But, it was me. I couldn't handle the change. I enjoyed the moment and then was so irritated with myself for enjoying the moment that I ruined a good portion of the morning.

Flexibility. I must continue to stretch myself and do the unexpected. I must continue to reach for the opportunities that are out of the ordinary.

I'm proud of myself for straying from the routine. Next time, though, I'll work to accept the bending road that comes after the blessed opportunity.

Here's to your Tuesday and all the opportunities you have to reach outside of your comfort zone. I hope that your bending road stretches you in the right direction and leaves you at peace. Blessed moments happen frequently, be flexible enough to enjoy them (and the moments that follow)!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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