Thursday, October 17, 2013

Focus On The Good

Focusing on the good is sometimes easier said than done.

The silver lining doesn't always shine through.

Sometimes, the bad seems too overwhelming.

BUT ...

You must continue to try to focus on the good. You must strive to find the sliver of hope that might exist. You must put your effort towards the bright and stay away from the dark as often as possible.

The other day as I was considering what to blog about, my irritating, annoying, jerk of a dog came to mind. I wanted to title my blog, "I Really Dislike My ..."! And then my first sentence was going to read, "DOG".

I then wanted to continue to write about tantrums and poop catastrophe's and arthritis and cancer and not understanding loved ones.

WHOA. HOLD ON! This blog is supposed to be positive and uplifting. It's supposed to remind us that it's okay to mess up and have bad days. It's supposed to make us feel better about life- not worse.

So, as I sat at my kindergartner's conference on Tuesday night ... it hit me. My husband and I were waiting, searching, almost begging to hear how awful our daughter was at school. What in the hell is wrong with us? Our daughter is amazing. Her teacher's words, "She is so full of joy and loves every bit of life!"

Why must we seek out the bad? Why do we constantly beat ourselves up over things out of our control? Why is it so difficult (some days) to find the amazing moments of glory that exist?

Last night I had the privilege of sharing a few cold beverages with a friend I don't see often enough. Someone in her life gave her some wonderful advice that stuck with me today. "You need to have an attitude of gratitude!" Wow. Don't we all?

There are at least a million and three things that I have to be thankful for in my life right now. It's okay that I've been a little on the negative side and forgotten. It's okay, because I've recognized my piss-pour attitude.

Today is a new day. It's okay to let go of yesterday. It's okay to admit that my attitude has not been full of gratitude. Today, I will focus on the good; not just in myself, but also in my damn dog and my spirited child!

Here's to you and your gratitude. Find the goodness today and everyday that you can!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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