Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday Tip: It's Okay

Good days. Bad days. Twists. Turns. Unforeseen troubles.

It's okay.

We must remember that most times in life, it's okay!

It's funny how one minute we can be high on life and the next minute covered in poo!

Last week, amidst my poor attitude, I got up early to go for a run. I had time to clean the kitchen before the kids got up, squeezed in a read from my daily devotional book and started making waffles.

I was high on life and thinking, "I don't know why I have been in such poor spirits."

I got a call from one of my daughter's friends' mom just as my two-year-old woke up. There was a few whines and a comment about needing to go to the bathroom. We had been without diapers and decided to brave a few nights without bedtime protection (needless to say, we'd had a few extra loads of laundry...store visits are just too daunting sometimes).

But, this glorious morning she had woke up dry.

I was finishing up my conversation and didn't want to be rude. I was on my way up the stairs when the whines turned into cries.

And then, I saw the poop ... ON THE STAIRS.

What was I to say to this mom? "Sorry, I have to go. My two-year-old just pooped all over the stairs." I'm not quite at that comfort level yet and would have been mortified!

I scooped up my daughter in one hand, phone in the other and v-lined to the bathtub. In the meantime, I wrapped up the conversation without sounding too frazzled, realized I had stepped in one of the piles of poo and deposited my daughter in the tub.

At that moment, things did not seem okay. Now I know not all of you are dealing with 'real' poop ... but life has several poo-catastrophe moments. From red lights on a day you are late, comments you wish you could take back, fights with your spouse or kids, illnesses or injuries that set you back, to a million other nuances that make up day to day living.

Life is hard. Shit hits the fan over and over and over.

However, there are glorious moments, too. Awe-filled, beautiful moments that make life worth living. These moments of amazement make it all okay. We must focus on these moments and try to put the others on the back burner.

The other morning, I got the poop cleaned up (that part of the stairs is cleaner than all the rest!). My kids still enjoyed their hot waffles. Everyone got to school on time. It was okay.

This terrific Tuesday ... try to notice the times in your day that are not going your way. And then force yourself to note the moment that you realize, 'It's okay.' The more often we celebrate life, the less often we will struggle.

Remember: You're not the only one covered in poop:)

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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