Sunday, October 20, 2013

Marriage Monday: Remember When ...

"Remember when we first met, we would talk for hours and hours about how we would be in love forever ... and we still are."          -Unknown

Well, marriage certainly isn't that glamorous all the time. The butterflies that once existed turn into knots from irritation. The character traits that you once loved about your spouse, sometimes balloon into annoying habits.

While all this is true, we must fight to remember when ... we fell in love.

Do you remember the first time either of you said, "I love you"?

Was it mutual? Were you both dying to say it? OR ... did it slip out in an uncharacteristic moment?

My Catholic parents were somewhat disappointed with our decision to live in sin. It's probably good they didn't realize that my sister's address was merely just a mailing address long before I technically 'moved in' with my boyfriend.

I think we just always 'knew'. There was really no denying that we would end up together- forever.

So, one night when I was staying over, there was a terrible rainstorm. I had a horrible habit of leaving my car windows down! I awoke with a start in the middle of the night.

"Oh, crap! I left my windows down."

After getting up to close the bedroom window, my now husband looked at me and didn't miss a beat. "You know I love you, but I'm not going to go close your windows."

I didn't move. I wasn't sure if he really knew what he said. His face indicated that he did not mean to let those three little words roll off his tongue. We had never said anything about 'love'! And now, he just threw it out there- in the middle of the storm.

Needless to say, he rolled up my car windows. We both pretended that we didn't realize what was said. The next night, he tried to joking see if any damage was done by his comment.

"So you know when you asked me to roll up your windows?"

"Yes!" It was so fun to see him squirm.

"Well, I meant what I said."

"Well, me too!" Butterflies were jumping into my throat. The words had come and gone. And, life moved on as if it were always meant to be!

What about you? What's your special 'I Love You' memory? Do you have a good story to go with it? Does it bring a smile to your face to remember? Does it take you back to a simpler time in life?

This Marriage Monday take time to reminisce with your spouse. Talk about how things used to be. Laugh about future dreams you once had. Recall the hours and hours you spent talking.

We once vowed to never become the couple that sits in a restaurant for hours without anything to talk about - Good Lord, we beg for those quiet nights now!

Happy Marriage Monday to you! If this sparks a story that you must share, e-mail me at Your story could be a part of my upcoming book, It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Marriage! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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