Friday, October 4, 2013

Ten Things Moms Need To Know!

Okay, moms ... this one is for you! Brought to you by Kid President!

Ten Things Moms Need To Know

Did you watch it?

If you didn't, you must.

Go on, click on the link and take three minutes to be revived.

So what is Kid President telling us? What is it that we need to take from his knowledge?

1. Put our phones down!
     This is much easier said than done. Occasionally a check of the phone, a scroll of the latest news ... that's not so bad. It's when we become entranced and overly engaged. What has Facebook done to us? We compare our lives to others. We judge. We feel inadequate. Is it worth that? Where would we be without the feelings Facebook leaves us overwhelmed with? Maybe this kid does know a thing or two.

2. Don't name your kid 'phone'!
     Kid President's #2 reminded me of why we named our kids what we did. It took me back to the time before that jiggly being inside my belly actually became the little person I know today. Have you shared with your kiddos why you named them what you did? What a great reminder to share stories of the past with our children to keep them alive and a part of our history.

3. We love you, but don't always know how to say it!
     Oh boy! Did I need this reminder or what? My gushy, sappy, lovey five year old has a STRANGE way of showing her love. BUT, deep down I know that is what she is doing. She apparently doesn't quite have the capability to say that she is sad I am leaving or going to miss me while she is away ... thanks Kid President for interpreting the screams, whines and tantrums that us mothers sometimes hear too much of.

4. Stop cleaning!
   Wait a minute. Shut the front the door. Are you serious? Stop cleaning? Oh wait, I already have. I'm sure each of us can pinpoint the time in our parenting world that we had to resign to the fact that our houses would NEVER look like they once did. The little man on the video gave us permission ... and with great advice too, "Our house is beautiful, because we live in it." It's the people not the place that count.

5. Meatloaf- Cool it!
     Now, my children love, love, love when I cook meatloaf (because I don't do it often enough). But #5 is a good reminder to mix-it up a little in the kitchen. We will get into a groove and inevitably eat the same six or seven meals over and over and over again. It makes is easier to shop, easier to plan and easier to budget. However, mixing it up allows for some excitement over mealtime. Most importantly is that we have a mealtime together ... there's research out there supporting the benefits of family dinner time ... no excuses can be made. We must find time to sit down together!

6. Thank you for cleaning up the poop!
     Amen. Kudos to all parents out there. Poop, pee and puke ... the 3 P's! There's really nothing worse. But, nothing says, "I love you," more than taking care of all the bodily fluids we are exposed to. Enough said on that one- someday our children will be caring for us and understand what we once did for them.
I must digress for a funny story dealing with poop!
      My two-year-old lets me know when she has to poop more but saying, "My butt hurts." This prompts me to ask, "Do you need to go more?" She will go more and then either tell me she is done or repeat, "My butt hurts." She tries to be big and wipe herself, but I remind her that she is two and can't clean herself good enough. The other day she looked at me after she was done going to bathroom. "Mom, does your butt hurt? I can wipe you!" I cracked up and informed her my bottom was just fine and I that even if it wasn't, I wouldn't need her help:)

7. Have fun!
     My husband is wonderful at having fun. Farts, burbs, dancing, acting goofy- he embraces every opportunity to laugh. Me, on the other hand- I have to be the consistent, un-fun parent. I've done it to myself. I have no one to blame. I just need to lighten up and have a little fun. What about you? Where do you stand? Let's do it ... this weekend! Let's vow to have fun, to laugh a little and to embrace childhood!

8. Hug more, shout less!
     I once tried to hug my spirited child every time she got upside. It lasted a day or two. It did work; I just didn't let it become a habit. It's not that I shout all the time, it's just that I'm always looking to improve my emotion management. Asking a child to do things over and over and over- it's daunting and tiresome. Maybe I should look at my follow-through on consequences rather than just my expectation that a demand will be met. We can all work on our tone and our nasty glares. And, really, who doesn't love a great hug now and again. We all deserve 'em! Life's hard enough- give a hug today.

9. The secret to changing the world is moms!
     There are days we don't feel like we are doing anything right as parents; as moms. But we are. Just being present and doing the best darn job we can. It does make a difference. We are changing the world. It's okay that we are not doing it perfect, but we must continue to strive to be the best model for our kiddos that we can be. Our actions speak much louder than our words. We will see ourselves through our children's accomplishments. We will be the one behind them with love and support. We are creating a better world because of the imprint we are making on our children.

10. If every mom knew how awesome she was, every problem in the world would be fixed!
     Thanks Kid President for the reminder that the world is full of troubles, but we don't have to be one of them. We can be the light for our children. We can be the inspiration to be better. Our belief in ourselves will shine through to them and enable them to cross the many difficult bridges life sets out for us.

Kid President has quite a lot figured out at such a young age. His wisdom and the knowledge our children possess is endless. We must embrace our job as moms; as parents. We must be the very best we can be so that they can be the best they are capable of!

Here's to your Friday- I hope it is fantastic (I know not all of it will be, but there are sure to be small moments of glory)! Let's use this weekend as an opportunity to set aside our distractions, explore, stretch ourselves and our strengths, have fun, laugh and remember how great we are!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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