Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Relax

Oh boy ... RELAX!

Yes, I need to relax. Do you?

Kids will be kids. Accidents will happen. Milk will get spilled. Clothes will get colored on. Fingernails will get greasy and dirty.

Kids will be kids.

"Honey, relax!" Says my fun-loving husband.

Are you able to let go of the dishes? To not curse at red lights or slow drivers? To not get worked up over the little nuances of life?

Sometimes I am. Sometimes I amaze myself at my understanding, calmness and ability to just let life happen.

And then, sometimes, I just NEED to RELAX.

I've come to terms with the fact that my relaxing will not be a night on the couch or an hour to get ready at will ... four kids don't allow for much 'sit down' or just 'down' time. That's okay. I shouldn't need all that. Sure it'd be nice occasionally, but it's got to be more about embracing the life stages you are at.

Whether you have a bunch of rug rats running around or are a retired grandparent ... we could all benefit from some proper relaxation.

Life isn't structured and neat. Life won't always move at the pace we desire. We must just do the best we can with the strengths and limitations we've been blessed with.

When you need to relax- take five! Practice inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Put your hand on your stomach so you can feel it extend as you breathe in and descend as you blow out. Do it five times. While breathing, take your mind to a calm and relaxing place. Maybe go to the beach or the mountains or a special place you used to visit as a child.

Once you've 'taken five', allow yourself to stay loose. Let the nuances of life be blown right out of you!

And if that doesn't work, call a friend and go share a cold beverage:)

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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