Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Feel Fabulous

Do you feel fabulous today?

Or do you feel frumpy, flabby, fat and flustered?

Either is okay, it's just important to recognize how you are feeling and why you are feeling that way.

"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world!" Thanks, Marilyn Monroe for your amazing advice. Of course, this is coming from one of the most beautiful woman in the history of man-kind. I wonder if she ever felt frumpy?

We will not feel beautiful and fabulous everyday, but it's important to recognize what makes us feel great about ourselves.

Is it when you've gotten a work-out in? Taken time to organize a discombobulated piece of your life? Cooked a healthy dinner? Spent more than seven minutes getting ready? Gotten out of your black sweats? Worn the tie that you always get complimented on?

Good days and bad, we need to understand our own sense of 'fabulous'.

Two weeks ago, I helped a friend out and got made-over by Mary Kay products. It really was fabulous. So, $100 later, I hoped that feeling would continue. The Mary Kay rep had to-die-for skin. She told me it was her 'Fabulous Fifty' shine! First off, this woman DID NOT look fifty and secondly, she DID look fabulous. My thoughts ... "Maybe there's hope for this frumpy mom of four!"

It took a few weeks to get my products in and yesterday was the first day I sported my new make-up (now mind you, I sported it with my headband pulling my un-done hair back and my over-worn black yoga pants)! Nonetheless, the make-up was on.

My little lady and I were playing at a program in the forest. I was talking with another mom. I mentioned my older kids and it come up that I, in fact, have four, yes FOUR children. Her comment was so kind and she has NO idea the impact she's had on my week. "You have FOUR kids? You look WAY too young to have four kids!"

Fabulous-looking or not ... at least I don't look that old yet! Hey, you take what you can get.

This Tuesday, find your fabulous. Sport your favorite shoes or allow yourself an hour to work-out. Do whatever it takes to make you feel your best- you DESERVE it! And you really ARE fabulous in your own unique way!

I must end on a 'thank you'! My 'fabulous' happens to come when I get to spend quality time with good friends and family; when I can get real about the true-blue me. I've been blessed the past few weeks to have pockets of time with people I adore being connected to! I only hope I can give them the same sense of 'fabulous' they give me!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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