Thursday, February 13, 2014

#fridayfolly: Expect Things Won't Stay The Same

Here are some things I know are constant ...

1. My house will never look exactly the way I want it to look.

2. I won't get any skinnier eating the way I do!

3. A few good nights of rest are sure to be followed with a night of children up at all hours.

4. I will NEVER like grocery shopping.

5. There will ALWAYS be more to do than there is time or energy for.

6. Genuine appreciation comes after the moment has passed (I keep trying to be grateful as it's occurring ... but, I keep forgetting).

7. Beers always taste better with greasy foods and good friends.

8. Screwing up ... I won't ever be perfect (despite how hard I try)!

9. My family loves me despite my craziness and flawed living.

10. Change will always rock my world (no matter how small).

"The only constant in life is change." -Heraclitus

Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher alive around 500 B.C. One of the doctrines he is best known for claimed that things are constantly changing (universal flux).

I'm not much of a historian, nor do I know much about science. Heck, it's safe to say that the only thing I DO know is people. Aside from that, my memory doesn't serve me too well.

Sorry to digress about my own lack of knowledge ... my point is ... even though I'm not too smart in those areas, I'm smart enough to figure out that this man knew a heck of a lot for his time. And his quote applies to so much more than just the constant move of our universe.

Minutes. Hours. Days. Months. Seasons. Years. Age. Technology. Flavors. Colors. Cereal.

Everything changes. I can't even be sure when I go to Orange Leaf that my favorite Cookies 'N Cream flavor is going to be available.

Some fads last longer than others. Answers to math equations will never change- but who in the heck can figure out the new ways kids are supposed to solve them these days?

Change can be amazing; something good usually comes from it. Why then is going through it so difficult?

Adaptable. Flexible. Spontaneous. Go-with-the-flow. Compliant. Easygoing. Open.

Did I used to be these things? Or when you're younger are you just unaware of the difficulties that come along with the blessing of change?

All changes, no matter how small, require adjustment and work. Growth will eventually come, but not without sacrifices and some sort of loss.

Death. Medical conditions. Sick family members. Loss of income. Schedule changes. Seasonal struggles. Broken habits.

Whatever changes you are going through, chances are it's not easy. Know you are not alone. The discomfort, anxiety, worry, grief or sadness accompanying your loss is normal. Take as much time as you need. Hopefully someday you can look back and find a silver lining. Maybe one day you'll be able to pick out the good that came.

Until that day, know that it's okay if you're not 100%. It's okay if you need to indulge in some comfort food. It's okay to lean on friends and family. It's okay to admit that your change is changing you into someone you don't recognize.

This Friday, try with all your might to appreciate the changes happening in your midst. And then, after you appreciate the tiniest thing ... feel free to get real about how crappy (and downright awful) it really is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Change! It's.The.Only.Constant. 
Even tho we know this-  
We hope to one day look back on a silver-lining!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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