Thursday, February 20, 2014

#fridayfolly: It's Okay To Just Be YOU!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

We were each born into this world and became a special and unique person. We are all blessed with amazing strengths which set us apart from everyone else. Each of us have limitations that require us to lean on other individuals for support.

No one on this earth is perfect. No one has a life that is better for one reason or another. Comparisons, judgment and perception take us to dark places.

Whether we are in a place of worrying about what others think or we are in a place judging what others are doing ... we need to stop.

More than likely we are all just doing the best darn job we can. We have to accept who we are- limitations and all. We have to be willing to seek out our strengths- and choose to use them.

The serenity prayer has three words that I think are tremendously important in being okay with who we are. Accept. Courage. Wisdom.

The first step to loving ourselves is accepting the person we have become. We must embrace our past, celebrate our present and look forward to good things to come in our future. We must believe in ourselves and know that we are who we are for a reason. Only we can ACCEPT and be the best we can be! No one can do that for us.

If we can accept ourselves, then we must have courage to BE ourselves. This requires us to look at our wondrous, beautiful parts and also our dark, scared parts. We may have gifts that are going unshared. We must be courageous; willing to fail a time or two in order to best utilize the strengths we were given.
Examining our limitations is also necessary and being strong enough to attempt to better ourselves.

Finally, we must use our wisdom. We all have it. It might be hidden deep. We might be scared to admit that we know what we are good at. We might be fearful of making mistakes along the way or letting others see who we really are. We might worry that others will love us less if they know who we REALLY are. Being wise allows us to put the fear aside, try our hardest and know the things that are within our control to change.

It's time for us all to just be OKAY with who we are.

Forget the worry. Forget the judgment. And just be proud to be you!

Happy Friday. I admit I often forget to celebrate my redeeming qualities. I forget to appreciate the things I do well. I worry too much about what others think. I beat myself up for minor mistakes (and big ones too). But, this Friday, I'm willing to admit my folly. I'm willing to try to accept myself just the way I am (flaws and all); willing to be courageous to utilize my strengths; willing to use my wisdom to understand who I am and the areas of me that are not changeable.

I'm willing to try all this ... are you?

Focus less on what others think about you.
Spend more time loving yourself for who you are!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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