Tuesday, February 4, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Spread Goodness!

Well, I'm nearing the end of Tuesday, but still have an hour to spare ... not too late for a #tuesdaytip!

I've been sharing the last few weeks from The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon (www.theenergybus.com). I like to keep my kids posted on good things I read as well- this time I wasn't up to par!

"Mom, what's the next rule?" My son asked eagerly last Wednesday morning.

"Oh, honey, I was too tired to read last night. I'll keep you posted when I get around to reading Rule #4!"

Tonight was finally the night (it only took me six days- no judgment on sporadic readers like me)! And it's a great one.

Rule #4: Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead

Sharing. A simple concept taught to us from the time we are wee little tikes. From toys to positivity- it's all the same idea.

From the previous rules in Jon Gordon's incredible read, we learn that we must have a vision for what we want, the desire to reach that destination, the belief that we can overcome adversity blocking our way and positivity to fuel our ride the entire time.

If we know what we want and strive to get it in a positive and caring way, we will naturally bring along followers (check out The Dancing Guy if you don't believe me!). Others will notice our incredible drive and our smiles lighting the way.

However, that's not enough. We need to be intentional about bringing others along for the positive ride. We need to be careful and conscientious about helping all those around us notice the good in the world; despite the many road blocks we will face.

Challenges happen daily. If we strive to be thankful, we cannot be angry and bitter in the same breath. Gratefulness will always win. Sharing goodness will take us down the road in the right direction.

In the book, George takes a 'thankful walk' where he talks to himself, out loud, recognizing the gifts surrounding him every step he takes. Last year I was working on my 1000 thanks journal. From time to time I remember that I was trying to fill it up. Here's my reminder to get it out yet again!

     460. The snow falling under street lights
     461. Sleeping children; snuggled warm in their beds (precious)
     462. Belly laughs ... I actually ran smack into a door today ... couldn't stop laughing at myself
     463. Hearing my kids share happy stories from their day
     464. Having a co-worker laugh about someone saying 'Do' two times (get it? doo-doo?)
     465. SNOW DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's amazing when you focus on the good how hard it is to be overcome by the negative. Now, I'm realistic and can also be a Negative-Nelly. Don't think I'm going 'Pollyanna' on you, I'm just asking you to try (and I'm reminding myself how powerful it can be to take my own advice!).

This week, take a few thankful walks. Be grateful that you are able to enjoy this earth. SHARE your goodness and vision with others. Lift people up and take them for a grateful ride! Happiness exists when we can relish in what we have ... good, bad and ugly ... it's all ours and we are darn lucky to have it!

 Know where you're going in life. 
Believe in your journey. 
Desire the very best out of YOU! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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