Sunday, February 9, 2014

#marriagemonday: Years Make the Heart Grow Fonder ... Or More Irritated!

Sunday evening I approached my husband and kindly said, "Honey, I'm sorry I was crabby today."

He replied sweetly, "It's okay, I was crabby too."

I went on to say I was glad I wasn't the only one. He laughed and said, "Geez, I was just saying that to make you feel better. I thought I was in good spirits all day today!"

The little quote on the picture couldn't sum up our marriage better. "My wife and I always compromise. I admit I'm wrong and she agrees with me."

My hubby must be a saint to put up with me. He's not perfect by any means, but women are screwed up! Now, ladies, I'm totally stereo-typing right now ... over-analyzing, guilt-ridden, hormone-driven, emotionally-inconsistent beings. Does that sum us up? Or is that just me?

Saying it's been a long week is an understatement. From activities to volunteering to life tasks to job uncertainties. I look back and think that maybe it was okay that I was crabby on Sunday. However, in the scheme of things, it's unfortunate that I got caught up in it all rather than just appreciating where we are at in our life.

Sunday morning our family skipped church so I could have a long over-due coffee with some girlfriends. It was wonderful, reassuring and certainly needed. Among the zillion things we discuss was a conversation about the 'Sacred Sunday'.

Sunday used to be known as a day of rest. It was meant to be a church-going and family-filled day. This is not the case anymore. I unfortunately got caught up in my Sunday madness and started down the road of complaining (this road leads NO WHERE but to a dead end!).

I was sharing my disgust over Sunday craziness with a family friend who came to watch our son wrestle. He put me back in my place- just as I needed! His comment reminded me what is really important. "What's better than coming here as a family to cheer on one of your own? You couldn't do this at home ... supporting and enjoying one another like you can here."

I was certainly NOT supporting and enjoying my family. It was more like they were maddening and irritating me. The funny thing is ... I was only annoyed because I was LETTING myself get caught up in the junk and not appreciating the time that we COULD have had together.

Marriage and family can't be the perfect sit-down Sunday dinner. Life is busy and messy and all about doing things for the good of the cause. We must just appreciate the time we have- wherever that time may be.

This #marriagemonday and for the rest of this week, do your best to control your emotions. Try to keep your irritation in check. The only person that we can control is ourselves. No one MAKES us angry, we allow ourselves to be angered by certain situations. What's the quote? 'Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.'

Take more time saying loving things to your spouse rather than critical things. Appreciate your better half for the better half of his/her qualities. Apologize for irrational behavior rather than blaming the other one's flaws.

Keep at it! Marriage is one ginormous roller coaster with ups and downs and twists and turns- each making the ride more exciting, adventuresome and overall amazing.

Irritation only exists if we let it. 
Take life in stride; enjoying what time you have together. 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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