Monday, February 10, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Surround Yourself With Good

I can't decide if I agree with this quote 100% or not. I firmly believe that we need to surround ourselves by people who lift us up (and not tear us down), but I don't think all negative people are lost souls.

After all, we all deserve a second chance.

While we cannot save the world- the only person we can change is ourselves- we can certainly foster those around us.

When we lift people up and focus on strengths, surely we can bring out their best.

However, there are some people, no matter what we do, who don't bring out OUR best. It's critical to recognize that and avoid interactions when possible. If someone is tearing you down more than building you up, it's okay to walk away. You can still be respectful while not engaging in their negative behavior.

BUT, how hard is that to figure out? How do we know if our interactions can make someone better or leave us feeling less fulfilled and drained?

The Energy Bus, ( by Jon Gordon is a book I've been referring to the last few Tuesdays. This amazing author has covered how we are the driver of our own bus; how we move our bus in the right direction by having desire, vision and focus; how we can only fuel our bus with positive energy; and how we should invite others to join us on our bus.

And now ... what to do with people who don't WANT to get on our bus? Or how about those who try to crash our bus or steer it in the wrong direction?

Rules #5 & 6: Don't Waste Your Energy on Those Who Don't Get on Your Bus and Post a Sign That Says NO ENERGY VAMPIRES ALLOWED on Your Bus.

Energy vampires? LOVE IT! That is totally what some people do to us; drain our positive energy. We must remember that we only have control of numero uno- ourselves. We can choose to stay away from those who make us feel little and less than the wonderful people we are.

We must still try to invite everyone on our bus. We must fight to let love conquer all. BUT, we must also be realistic about our own capabilities. We can't change the world.

Keep fighting. Keep trying. Keep searching. Keep giving others the benefit of the doubt. Keep being the very best you can be. Don't let others get you down! Stay strong.

Happy Tuesday. I hope it's terrific. In the midst of this long, cold winter ... remember that spring is on its way. We can create sunny, warm days in this dark, dreary time by focusing on what's right in the world and surrounding ourselves by the darn good people that are around every corner we turn!

Surround yourself with people who lift you up and make you better. 
Spend less time with those who drain your energy. 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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