Thursday, February 6, 2014

#fridayfolly: Too Many To Count!

Where do I start?

I suppose I could start with the day I THOUGHT we would have a snow day. The night before the non-snow day, I opted NOT to bathe my children (let's not talk about the fact they were already a few days overdue).

Or maybe I could go with the night my husband brought home a left-over pizza from a work luncheon. I opened the box, set it on the table and called, "Come and eat!" My #3 was curious about what else we were having for dinner. My response was unsympathetic, "This is it. Enjoy it while you can before it's all gone!"

I could look at my horrendous eating habits this last week or the fact that I let my kids drive me batty. Maybe I should focus on the million and twelve things that I signed up to do this year- not remembering that a little over a year ago, I quit my job because I was swimming with life tasks.

... the broken car ... the annoying dog ... the undone house ... the last-minute homework ... the crabbiness ...

Okay. It's obvious that this week was NOT as glorified at last week. Yet, still knowing this, I was reminded Wednesday afternoon why NONE of these things matter.

Our snow day came (a day later than I had hoped) and all my kids wanted to do was go swimming. Yes, swimming. On one of our coldest days of the year, I loaded up the four children and headed to the YMCA to go swimming.

It was actually the best hour and a half of our day. They had fun and I had a few moments of reflection.

A mom came in with two girls who both had special needs. Each of them had a working dog aiding them. I watched this mom and couldn't stop glancing at her calm and amazing nature.

She was so gentle. She was so consistent. She was so grateful.

I complain about my four kids fighting and aggravating me, but in that moment, I realized I should be thankful they interact and fight with one another. That means that they can. I should be grateful that they can aggravate me. That means they have the means to figure out how to push my buttons.

I don't have a million doctor appointments. I don't have to care for two additional animals to aid my children. Heck, I complain about my one dog when I should appreciate the fact that I get loved every time he sees me.

If I could go back to Wednesday afternoon, I would take the opportunity to say to this special mom, "You are amazing. I'm staring at you not because your family is different, but because I wish I could be more like you. I have no idea what your life is like raising these two beautiful girls, but you're doing a damn good job. You should be proud of yourself, your girls, your dogs and the wonderful job you are doing as their mom!"

I would also take the time to apologize that I've taken for granted some of the given blessings in my life (once again, it shouldn't take an event for me to recognize the gifts I am surrounded by).

This Friday and for as many days as you can muster- forget about your mistakes. Life DOES NOT come with instructions. Life is NOT easy. It's okay if you've beat yourself up for mistakes that you've made ... but, for today, you need to stop. Forget about your issues and your mishaps, just enjoy the heck out of the life you are currently blessed with.

I joke that my kids were born in a barn. I pick at them constantly about the few mistakes that they are making. I vow (for at least the next day) to STOP. Instead of being frustrated with our family dinners, I will be grateful that we take the opportunity to sit down and eat together. There are millions out there who are wishing they could have a family dinner nite and we get it regularly. Shame on me for forgetting how darn lucky I am!

Good luck counting your blessings. And, if you get a chance to tell someone they are wonderful, don't miss your chance like I did. Seize the moment and let others know what an amazing job they are doing despite the struggles that lie before them!

It is DEFINITELY okay to make mistakes!
Life DOES NOT come with instructions.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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