Sunday, February 2, 2014

#marriagemonday: Quit 'Mean-Mugging' Me!

I couldn't believe there was such a thing as a 'mean' mug or coffee cup! I cracked up laughing when I Google searched my husband's famous words to me and all sorts of angry coffee cups popped up!

The #fridayfolly last week indicated that my week was wonderful and that I KNEW you-know-what would hit the fan this weekend because I avoided so many life tasks. The funny thing is, it really didn't have to. I didn't have to get worked up or let the crap hit the fan ... BUT, alas, I did yet again.

Isn't it funny how we work so hard all week to enjoy the weekend and then once the weekend is upon us, all we can think about doing is preparing again for the week ahead? Oh wait, is that just MY problem?

Huffing and mean-mug looks are kind of my M.O. with my husband. He always knows how I'm feeling without me saying a word. He sometimes cracks himself up making fun of my piss-poor attitude that is not really directed at him, but really is directed at him (do you know what I mean?).

As I was huffing around on Saturday morning and glaring at every object in the house (to avoid eye contact and try to keep my looks in check), he calmly asked, "Are you going to huff all weekend?"

At one point on Saturday afternoon he called my mom and made a point to tell her, "Your daughter hasn't done anything all day except glare at me."

Seriously? We've resorted to tattling?

In his defense, he was right. I was glaring and mean-mugging and huffing for really NO good reason at all. Can you guess what turned me around?

That darn husband of mine knows me all too well. He can make me laugh even when I am beyond irritated. He can turn my sour mood around even when I fail to want to change.

We ended our Saturday with a laugh and a good chat.

Isn't that what marriage is really all about? Good marriages aren't peachy-keen and smiles all the time. They aren't blissful and engaged at every moment. They certainly aren't perfect or without fights and disagreements.

Despite my many flaws, my husband has still decided to stick with me. There's not a one of us out there that can claim perfection- it's nice not to be held to that standard.

This #marriagemonday, I hope you can avoid mean-mugging your spouse. I hope that instead, you will force out a smile. If all else fails, try squeezing your spouse and making fart noises. That's sure to have you both rolling!

What's your M.O. w/ your spouse? 
I huff. I glare. I 'mean mug' the heck out of him! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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