Monday, February 17, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Be Enthusiastic and Love, Love, Love!

Wouldn't it be something if we loved others without judgment? What would happen if the world loved more and hated less? What if there was less bullying and mean comments and negativity?

We've all done it- been less than kind to someone. Hopefully we took the opportunity to reflect on our behavior so we could do it better next time. No one is without faults. If we accept this about ourselves, why then is it such a struggle to accept it about others?

As I was scrolling the news-feed on my Facebook page Saturday morning, I came across a very brave and amazingly authentic video from Ellen Page. Click here to see how Page not only shared her own personal struggles, but also addressed how many of our young people are afraid to just be themselves. Love is somehow missing from the lives of those who need it the very most!

The last few weeks I have been updating you on my latest read, The Energy Bus, by Jon Gordon. Rules #7 and #8 reminded me of the importance EACH of us can have on others!

Rule #7: Enthusiasm Attracts More Riders and Energizes Them During The Ride
Rule #8: Love Your Passengers

Life is certainly a ride. The ride is not always as we expect it to be. Sometimes it's bumpy or dark or takes us in a direction we don't wish to go. When this happens, the one thing we can fall back on is love!

Loving ourselves and those around us will fill us with an energy that must be spread. By being enthusiastic about the good in the world, the opportunities that lie before us, the change that our work can do ... we will naturally attract others and bring their spirits up as well.

Sometimes loving others and sharing our enthusiasm is natural and almost easy. Other times, it's downright challenging. There are people that will be more than difficult to love; we must still strive to find their good. We must still fight to share our enthusiasm- we may never know how much we actually impact them.

This Tuesday, do what you can to find your vision and desire for life. Believe in yourself and where you are going. Bring positive thoughts and share your enthusiasm for the opportunities that lie before you. Share yourself, be authentic and be willing to energize others along the way. Most importantly- remember to love.

Find good in others. Say kind things (or try not to say anything at all). When you mess up or fail to be energized about your life- know that it's okay. Take a breath; take a moment; take a day; take a week; take as much time as you need to get back to a place of love. It starts with loving yourself. And sometimes, you just have to fake it to make it! Enthusiasm isn't always easy to muster, but by sharing it, you will also receive it.

Be enthusiastic about as much of life as you can! 
It will energize you & others.
  & don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve:)

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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