Monday, February 17, 2014

#marriagemonday: Name Calling! Really!?

I don't know that my Valentine's Day was ever diamonds ... or roses for that matter. But, we definitely used to be more romantic (or at least thoughtful) when the day of love was upon us!

We're not really drowning, just maybe constantly treading water at this time in our lives. Some days one of us has to throw out a life preserver to give the other one a short break, but then it's back to scissor kicking and crazy arm movements.

Everyone's 'busy' looks different. We really don't have anything to complain about. The family is healthy. The kids are happy. Life is good.

BUT! There is always a 'but'! But, last week I failed to remember the good and just got tired. I know it's okay to be tired. I just maybe mentioned it a few too many times to a few too many people. I recognize that I was a little bit of a Negative Nelly and my other half must have heard too much.

Friday night, the said Valentine's Day, we were content to bake a pizza at home and watch a RedBox movie. About 7:00 pm, I was about ready to call it a day!

I think my husband was trying to be supportive (in a weird sort of way). He said something about my 'woe is me' attitude and my 'tiredness'. At 7:30 he told me I should just go to bed.

I didn't want to go to bed. I just wanted to be mopey and tired. I tried explaining my tiredness and only beat the dead-horse beyond recognition.

The banter turned bad. I may have called my husband a bleeping bleep and then not talked to him until I stormed up to bed later. I ended the night on a very impressive, "Happy bleeping Valentine's Day!"

Yep. I know I am mature. It was pathetic enough that I can't even type the words. You'll all be happy to know none of this was said or done around the children (at least I have some moral fortitude)!

Saturday morning, my tiredness had subsided. My loving husband came down laughing. "So, am I still a bleeping bleep?"

That was all I needed for my day of love! A kind hug, a quick kiss and a darn good laugh.

Marriage certainly isn't all diamonds and roses and romance. Marriage isn't always hugs and kisses and laughter. Marriage isn't meant to perfect.

"A marriage is the union of two good forgivers." -Robert Quillen

"A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It's when an 'imperfect' couple learns to enjoy their differences." -David Meurer

The official 'day of love' has come and gone. Certainly our marriages cannot be based on ONE day a year. Remember that love is shown in small acts of kindness; little moments are what make memories. Take time today to love your spouse- in whatever tiny way you are able. Life will continue to move at a relentless speed, but your marriage will stay strong by short pauses that only you can create!

The official 'day of love' has passed. 
We must not forget that everyday should be a day to show appreciation to our spouse. 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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