Monday, February 24, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Know Your Purpose ... Enjoy the Heck Out of Fulfilling It!

It doesn't matter WHAT we do, rather it's HOW we do it!

Knowing your purpose is about understanding your strengths and using them as often as and in as many parts of your life as possible.

Many people look to their jobs to find their purpose- from the time we are little we are asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

What if our answer was simply, "I want to be ... happy!"

An amazing young man challenges the educational system (and or entire societal set-up) by trying to accurately answer the question that leads most people to their purpose. Click here to view Logan Laplante's idea for allowing children to find their purpose through more than just 'what you want to be' for a job.

Purpose comes in the way you live your life and how you tackle the monotony of day to day living.

The last two Rules in The Energy Bus, by Jon Gordon ( can leave us rejuvenated and ready to embrace the challenges that face us daily. Joy was the bus driver I introduced weeks ago in the #tuesdaytip. She took the main character George under her wing and shared her rules for living a life full of positive energy.

George was in a bad place ... marriage on the ropes, job about to be lost, relationships with his children questionable ... the guy couldn't find good in any part of his life. Not only could he not find the good, but he was completely focused on the bad; living with no purpose and not enjoying any of the blessings surrounding him.

Rules #1-8 remind us that we are the only ones in control of our lives; we get to choose where our life goes; we have the opportunity to fuel our lives with positive energy; we must invite others into our world; we must not be swayed by the negativity surrounding us; we must be enthusiastic about the opportunities presented to us; and we must love people in our lives, even when it is difficult.

Knowing the first eight rules can excite us to know and embrace the last two!

Rule #9: Drive With Purpose
Rule #10: Enjoy The Ride

Joy was a bus driver. Some might say this job is not important or full of purpose. How wrong are those people? She changed lives! She had a great deal of purpose in her life and didn't see herself as 'just a bus driver'. She lived every day as an opportunity to enjoy her blessings, share her knowledge and love her life!

The other day I made a comment that I still regret. "Well, I'm JUST a school counselor."

I was quickly reminded that 'just' needed to be taken out of my sentence! My job is as important as I make it. My purpose is more than a job. I am ... a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother, a teacher, a counselor, a volunteer, a coach ... and, and, and ... and, a darn good butt wiper!

Every part of our life can have purpose- if we let it. Enjoyment comes from our perception of what is happening around us. We will get as much out of life as we put into it. Each activity we encounter can provide us joy- again, if we let it!

How would you finish the following sentence?

I am a ...

Go on, list as many as you can. It's pretty amazing how long the list can get if you really think about it. Hopefully you find purpose in your paid job, but your purpose is so much more than a job title!

What enjoyment are you finding in your life right now? How could you find more joy in the areas you are struggling?

This Tuesday, challenge yourself to admit and embrace your purpose. Try hard to enjoy life as it's passing you by. Life is too short to look back with regret. Live each day as if it's your last and LOVE the heck out the people who make your life worth living.

Each day is a new opportunity to showcase your strengths & fulfill your purpose. 
Enjoy as many moments as you can!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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