Thursday, April 10, 2014

#fridayfolly: They Know . . .

"Does it disappoint you to know that I'm normal and make mistakes just like everybody else?"

My daughter answered, but she didn't have to. The sadness that filled her eyes said it all.

Her voice was soft and her words slow, "Kind of."

The super-mom cape came off years ago, yet it's still heartbreaking to know that they (my four children) have realized I might have never been 'super' at all.

It's safe to say that Wednesday morning I secured my loss of Parent of the Year (as well as parent of the day, hour and moment)! All are LONG gone.

Losing my cool isn't something that happens frequently, nor something that I care to admit happens at all. But, there you go . . . the truth is out there. I am not in control of my emotions 100% of the time. I admit it- I'm human. I get frustrated, irritated and occasionally look a lot like a total nut case.

It might have been the two-year-old fit, over which shorts to wear, that lasted 45 minutes. It might have been the constant squabbling at the breakfast table between my two oldest children. It might have been the eight outfits I tried on (that didn't fit or look right). The final straw, though, was the nearly full cup of orange juice splattered all over the middle of the kitchen floor.

I'm sure my voice could be heard in the next state; the awful scowl on my face stayed etched for nearly the entire day. Oh, and my five-year-old informed me that used bad words during my major adult temper tantrum.

I over-reacted. I blew my cool. I lost my marbles.

However, I did salvage the morning before depositing my children at school. I asked, very calmly, for a 'do-over'. I apologized and noted my humanity; my imperfection and inability to avoid mistakes.

When the day was coming to a close and the morning was far behind us all, I went to tuck in my oldest. I again apologized for my actions and asked her, "Does it disappoint you to know that I'm not perfect?" I should be thankful she doesn't have the ability to lie, but in that moment, my weekly folly seemed dark and lonely.

They know.

My kids know I'm not perfect.

It's okay.

What about you? Who in your life has realized your imperfection? Do they still love you?

Surely, it's difficult for us to admit our flaws and imperfections. The reality- those who really love us; who really care about us, will forgive us for our mistakes. And they will stick by our side, despite all our errors.

This Friday, don't be so hard on yourself for the mistakes you made this week. Take note, not of the mistakes, but the support surrounding you and lifting you up from your moments of despair. Please also remember that others are no more perfect than you. Go easy on the ones you love making human mistakes.

More often than not . . . we are all just doin' the best darn job we can! Have an awesome weekend realizing it's okay that NO ONE on this earth is perfect (isn't it nice to know you're not alone?)!

They happen to us all.
Be easy on yourself.
No one is w/out flaws.
Remember, most people in life are

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