Monday, April 14, 2014

#tuesdaytip: It's All About Feeling Valued!

Life is tough and often messy. There's usually not an easy way to deal with situations when we are NOT feeling the words listed above.

When we react in ways that we are not proud of, it's most definitely because we do not feel valued, loved, appreciated or validated. While we could all work on letting others know how much we adore them, how amazing they are or how energized we feel by them, it's important to recognize that we, too, must have others letting us know the very same thing.

Whether we are talking about family, work, church, volunteering or just day to day interactions, we must keep perspective of how others are feeling. It's easy to assume. It's difficult to take time to truly understand why we feel the way we do or react the way we do. It's even more challenging, then, to try to understand the motive behind others reactions.

As a parent and a spouse, I would say that most fights I begin or engage in, happen because my feelings were compromised. Now I'm not saying anyone MAKES me feel a certain way, but there are interactions in which my feelings head down the road of under-appreciation, ungratefulness or a lack of acknowledgement for things I have done.

It'd be great if I could always take the high road- but, I'm human. I mess up. I react in ways I am not proud of. AND . . . it's okay.

It's okay.

We learn and grow by the mistakes that we make. We become better when we evaluate our interactions, our feelings and our perceptions.

This Tuesday, we could all benefit from not only evaluating where we are at in our feelings and interactions, but also that we take time to be better for others. When we spend time letting others know what we appreciate about them, naturally we can recognize what we do that others appreciate (even if they don't say it).

Validating and acknowledging what we adore, appreciate, and value about others will spread.

What if we took the time to specifically tell others why they inspire us? What if we recognize those that rejuvenate us? What if we thanked those that make us feel most loved?

Sometimes you have to give in order to receive. It's not that once you say it to others, they will say it to you. Rather, it's knowing that you're bettering yourself just by lifting someone else up.

Good luck take time this week to care for others. You may find that by understanding specifically what you appreciate about others will help you better understand yourself and who you are striving to be!

It's easy to get caught up in your own emotions.
Take time to understand others

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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