Sunday, April 27, 2014

#marriagemonday: The Truth Sometimes Hurts, But . . .

The truth sometimes hurts, but . . . it's way better than any lie! And, sometimes it saves you from looking old and fat.

Friday night I had an author event that I desperately wanted to look nice for. Needing to lose a few pounds makes outfit options slim to none.

I did what all normal women do and I tried to shop Friday afternoon for a dress. Last minute shopping usually doesn't end up well.

I threw on the dress before trying to fix my hair and face (those also seeming to be a lost cause at the time). I came out of the bedroom and asked my husband to come check out the 'possible' evening wear.

My husband couldn't keep his laughter inside. I think he might have said something like, "Really?"

He wanted to know if I had actually bought the dress in the hopes of wearing it. I wanted to know why it was so bad.

"Well, it makes you look twice your age and three times your size." Again, there was laughter.

He wasn't being hurtful and truth be told, I didn't feel that great in the darn thing either. I did feel old and fat. And, thank the good Lord my husband is willing to be honest with me.

While this scenario is about clothing, the principle applies to all life circumstances. It's hard to hear the cold, hard truth. Often we know what the truth is, but are unable to admit it to ourselves.

When we hear the truth from those we love most, our trust in them can grow (even if we want to strangle them in the moment). So often, if we avoid the truth, we also miss the chance to strengthen relationships.

My husband wasn't being an ass. He wasn't making fun of me. He was only trying to save me from future embarrassment . . . and, I'm so glad he did.

This #marriagemonday, take time to reflect on your truth-telling skills.

Is there something you've wanted to say that you've been holding inside? Are you struggling with something that you are afraid to admit? Is resentment growing inside you because you've been unable to let your real feelings show?

Today is the day. Make your marriage stronger by being honest. While the truth may cause some hurt at first, it will lead to growth. Make sure you are thoughtful in your words, check your body language and keep your tone steady. By loving approaching difficult topics, you and your spouse can become that much better.

Have you been truthful in your words and actions lately?
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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