Monday, April 21, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Hold Your Head High

Hello Tuesday!

I promise to face you with a smile. I vow to be optimistic, even when life is driving me crazy. I will try. I will be kind. I will be the best I can be. And I will hold my head high.

At least for this one day.

Taking on the world more than a day at a time isn't realistic. If we can focus day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute, we can begin to find success.

Surely we need to look down the road and have the big picture in mind. But taking on too much too soon will only overwhelm us and cause our heads to drop.

It all starts with belief.

Head up. Shoulders back. Good eye contact. Strong voice.

Fake it to make it.

Hold your head high.

Be loud and proud.

No matter how you say it, the picture is beyond clear. We must have pride in our abilities. Our strengths must be at the front of our minds. Holding our heads high for just one day, will inspire more people than we can imagine.

Now I'm not saying you should jump on your high horse. Don't force yourself on others. Don't act as though you are better than those around you.

Your approach can be strong, yet caring. You can be proud, yet humble. Your abilities will show through when you are respectful in your approach.

Today- move about with your head held high. Be proud of who you are. Believe in your strengths and abilities. Make a difference . . . if even for a minute.

Finally, when you notice others utilizing their strengths and holding their heads high, say something to them. Learn from them. Ask them their secret. Chances are, your comment will solidify a belief that may have been wavering.

After all, we are all just doing the best darn job we can. We are in this boat called 'life' together. Let's face this world with a caring heart, brave soul and head held high!

Believe in your abilities
Be humble, caring & respectful in your approach
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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