Sunday, April 6, 2014

#marriagemonday: Day In and Day Out!

Wow ... it feels like it's been forever since I've blogged! It's great to be back. Let's just say that due to technical difficulties, I missed out on blogging last week. Did you miss me? I didn't realize how much reflecting for my blogs helps me ... my own personal therapy!

So, #marriagemonday is upon us yet again. Today I'm challenging you to ask what's going on in your marriage.

Minutes ... hours ... days ... weeks ... months ... years ... decades! How long has it been since you've evaluated where you are at with your spouse. Life passes us by so quickly, it's important to occasionally just STOP!

It sometimes feels like I just met my better half. I wonder how we went from that awkward first date to four kids. Our relationship has become a given; it's there now and for always.

BUT, even though we've made it this far and both still love one another, we can't become complacent in the fact that marriage is hard work. It's easy to get caught up in completing daily life tasks. It's normal for weeks to fly by without realizing they are gone. We have to make moments special.

The other night my hubby came home after being out with friends. This is a rare occurrence for him and I was truly happy that he got to go. He came home at a moment when my frustration with the kids not being asleep got the better of me.

I hadn't seen him since he left early that morning to hit the gym before work. He greeted me with a smile and leaned in for a kiss. I annoyingly gave a half-hearted peck before I gently pushed past him to head into another child's bedroom. I took for granted an opportunity to show love and care. I let the monotony of completing a day get in the way of appreciating the strong marriage we have created.

It wasn't until later that I was able to apologize and recognize the HUGE error in my ways. I made him feel like his rare night out was a mistake. I left guilt and anger, where I should have offered support and care.

Little actions create big differences. Small problems that aren't fixed can turn into damaged hearts. Take time this week for your better half. Participate in the tiny, yet meaningful, acts that strengthen your love and your marriage.

If you tend to forget to appreciate (like me!), don't be afraid to apologize! Recognizing your limitations is the first step in trying to improve them. It's okay :)

Don't let years pass you by w/out recognizing the amazing person standing by you   

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