Sunday, April 13, 2014

#marriagemonday: I'm Darn Lucky ... How About You?

Monday, Monday! It comes on fast and furious after weekends fly by.

However, Monday's can be that much sweeter because they remind us to appreciate our marriages! Yeah for #marriagemonday. Yeah for one more lucky day with our significant others.

It's easy in life to find the difficult ... the awful ... the misfortune ... the error ... the despair. Complaints often roll off our tongue, while compliments seem straining.

Research used to say that we needed to hear four positives comments to outweigh one negative comment. I believe now, it's up to something like seven positives to replace a negative.

Think back on your weekend. Can you name a positive comment you delivered to your spouse? A loving touch? A kind conversation? A deliberate compliment?

What about negatives? How were the looks you delivered? What about your tone? Or your body language? Did you push away when your spouse came towards you lovingly?

7:1. Seven to one. VII - I.

I'm darn lucky to be stuck with my better half for the rest of my life. I truly am. He is loving, generous, hilarious (don't tell him I still think this is true!), tender-hearted and intelligent. He vacuums. He does laundry. He plays with our kids. He is a fabulous father. He is hard-working, handy and gets things done. And he loves, loves, loves me.

I'm lucky.

We don't have the perfect marriage or the perfect life. We fight. We annoy one another. We don't always communicate. We hurt each other's feelings. It's not all roses.

But, I'm still really, really lucky. Are you?

Sometimes we take for granted that our spouse is OURS. Not all marriages are based on basic fundamentals where two people can feel valued, appreciated and part of a special team.

If you are lucky- say it. No ... don't just say it- show it.

Try just for one day to give more positive love to your spouse and less mean looks, negative comments or huffs and puffs.

Happy Monday. Happy loving. Feel lucky. Be blessed.

Do you feel lucky to have your one & only?
This make sure you
Make sure you
Don't let another lucky day pass you by

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