Monday, April 7, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Cut Yourself a Little Slack!

I love Tuesdays! A time for me to offer a 'tip' that is truly more for me than it is for you. My only hope . . . that it helps us both grow just a little in our journeys.

It is so easy to find flaws. They stick out like a sore thumb. One negative out-does 100 positives. Why? Why it is so easy to focus on limitations instead of growth and improvement?

We are each wonderful and amazing- in our own way. It's sometimes hard to love ourselves, because we know all the nitty-gritty, ugly and awful parts. BUT, we also know the strengths, gifts, talents and special parts. We just tend to forget those!

"How are you today?"

A simple question probably asked to you several times each day. What is your reply?

"Good, thanks. How are you?"

Good? Fine? Okay?

Let's get real? Do people really want to know the days that you are full of self-doubt or self-destructive thoughts? Certainly we should try to be authentic about our feelings, but some days it's hard to describe how we are feeling. And some days, we don't know how are really feeling or why we are feeling one way or another.

My day can go from down-right awful to top-of-the-world fantastic depending on MY thoughts, attitude and perspective. It's up to ME to make my day great. It's up to ME to love me for who I am.

There will always be things we are 'working' on . . . weight, reactions, emotion-management, organization, time-management, health, relationships . . . the list could go on and on.

We need to take that 'work' in stride. We can not and should not be perfect. We must love our imperfect selves just the way we are. Self-loathing will get us no where but down and make it harder for us to get up and try again.

I realized tonight that my kindergartner did not know how to tie her shoes- AT ALL. She got new shoes this weekend and it came out that several of her 'shoe-tying expert friends' had to help her all day long. I'm sure the teacher was more than impressed with my mothering!

We spent about 20 minutes working on her shoes. I loved her tenacity. She didn't cry. She didn't whine. She didn't give up. And, in the end, she was so PROUD of her hard work. She even said, "I can do it because I kept trying and didn't give up."

Giving up is taking the easy way out. Cut yourself a little slack. Tackle imperfections little by little and with an 'I think I can' attitude. Know you are only as good as your thoughts, attitude and perspective.

Good luck this Tuesday loving you. This is not an easy task. When you look in the mirror today, give yourself five compliments. Take time to notice beautiful things about yourself (instead of all the flaws)! Loving yourself will allow you be more authentic in your conversations and more compassionate to the needs of others.

Did you love yourself today?
Or did you focus on your flaws?

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