Saturday, April 19, 2014

Give Thanks!

Is it possible to teach appreciation?

My thought is . . . yes! Absolutely!

It's a habit that can and must become part of our daily living. If I think back to days this week that were harder than others- they were most definitely hard because I made them that way.

I get to choose. You get to choose. It's up to us.

There are millions of blessings surrounding us each and every day. There is also a lot of crap. Which will we choose to dive into?

Looking around the neighborhood, work, church, school or the store, we will see happy people. People who say, "Good morning!" People who have bright, cheery smiles on their faces.

Are their lives perfect? Do they live without struggles?

Absolutely NOT!

When we are focused on the negative parts of our lives; the struggles and the weaknesses, we forget to take time for the beauty that exists in the world. And the beauty that makes up our very own lives.

It's okay. Sometimes life is too much. BUT, we can habitually force ourselves to focus on the good- even when our lives are full of difficulties.

The joy of it all- it is up to US! We are in control of our outlook, our emotions and how we live our lives.

This week I was darn tired. I know I was not the only one. I said some things I regret. I did some things I wish I could take back. I forgot to count my blessings. At times, I focused on the bad. There were moments of negative self-talk and a down-right poor attitude.

It's okay.

Failure. Mistakes. Tough days. Life circumstances. Illnesses. Accidents. Mean people.

They happen. AND, they are totally, 100% out of our control.

Today is Saturday. Let's make it super.

No matter what is happening beyond our control- let's do our best to be thankful. In purposefully recognizing our blessings, it is inevitable that happiness is not far behind. Notice them, say them and act on them. Just do it! Now!

 What makes 'happy people?
Certainly not a perfect life.
It's a choice!
Appreciate the good in your life &
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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