Monday, April 28, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Take Time For Others!

A day is just a day without purposeful interactions with others.

Listening. Laughing. Loving.

Life is full of junk. Life is full of monotonous tasks. Life is full of hard, tough stuff.

What makes it better? What makes life worth living?

While we each have to answer these questions for ourselves, there are very few who would be happy living in solitude for the majority of their years. Even introverts need interactions and relationships.

There was a time in my life when I was all work and very little play. I shoved through life with a relentless vengeance. I was productive and efficient. I always had a plan, knew what to expect and could anticipate what would happen next. There wasn't a task too difficult or out of my reach.

That time has finally passed. A year at home with my kids gave me a little perspective on the constant push of life. It doesn't pay to constantly push it back.

I've realized the impact of taking time for others; time to listen; time to laugh; time to love. The impact can't be computed into a number. It can't be checked off a to-do list. It's not a completed project.

BUT, it is amazing. It's so meaningful. It feels so good.

The other stuff has to wait sometimes. Surely we need to continue to get stuff done; to complete the daily life tasks. Even though it must get done, taking time for others will take the monotony out what can consume your life in a negative way.

I came across a blog entitled, 'I Take Time To Listen To Others'. The picture above was included in this great advice-giving column. Wouldn't it be something if we spent more time listening and learning from others? And less time judging and assuming?

This Tuesday, take time. Try not to rush through the day accomplishing as much as you can. Allow your interactions to stretch beyond your normal, "How are you today?" Half the time we don't even stop to really listen to the answer. DO LISTEN today!

Enjoy the heck out of others today. Listen. Laugh. Love.

Take time for others today
Don't rush thru life missing meaning moments
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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