Sunday, April 20, 2014

#marriagemonday: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate ... AND Forgive!

It's safe to say you haven't married a perfect person!

It's also safe to say, your spouse married you KNOWING you're not perfect either.

On Easter Sunday morning, our family ventured off to church. Let's just say that getting there was quite a chore and, at times, felt torturous.

As we sat in mass (which, on a side note, was VERY hot!), there was a moment I was overcome with emotion. I thought about our difficulties in getting our family ready for what should have been a joyous occasion.

I was caught up in a little self-pity when it dawned on me that there were families missing loved ones this holiday. There were spouses wishing their better half was alive to celebrate the day with them. There were lonely soles that would have given anything to have a fight with their family- if that meant their family was there with them.

Our spouses will mess up. We will mess up. Forgiveness is the only way.

What if something happened to your husband or wife today? Would you be left with a feeling of regret? Would there be something you wished you would have said? Would you have wanted the opportunity to forgive?

Don't waste any more time longing for the perfect marriage. Instead . . . work to make your marriage happy; practice making your marriage healthy. Foster what you have and forgive when it is less than what you imagined.

Everyday you have with your husband or your wife is a gift. Make sure you are handling it with care. It's not about how it's wrapped, but rather about the specialness of what's inside.

I left mass Sunday morning knowing God gave me a wonderful man.

There are days our marriage needs forgiveness. There are moments we wish we could take back. There are times we don't support each other like we should.

It's okay.

Those moments make us stronger and help us to grow. Even if the outer package is tattered or torn, the gift inside is worth more because we have fought to keep our marriage alive.

What's creating trouble in your married world these days? Do you need to use a dose of forgiveness? Is your communication lacking?

When you go to bed tonight, have no regrets. Care for the gift you've been given.

No one's perfect- even your spouse
You never know what tomorrow will bring

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