There was about 30 minutes of pure glory ... thinking that I didn't have anything to write about; that maybe I didn't royally screw up this week.
I thought about the two nights I played cards with a kid instead of worrying about the million house things that needed to be done; about the night I laid in bed with my son just enjoying our time together; about the book I started reading again with my nine-year-old that had been on hold the last few months; about my date night with my #3 because of her amazing week; about the loving and fun times I had with my spouse!
For that 30 minutes on Thursday morning, I relished in the joy of my week. I felt proud of my true effort to enjoy as much of my week as I could and to not get caught up in the nuances of day to day living.
Are you wondering what squashed my relishing?
"Honey, do I have any clean underwear?"
Yep. That's right. I lived it up this week. I loved the heck out of the people in my life. I spent the time necessary for growing and nourishing the relationships in my life. BUT ... I failed to do the laundry!
I'd say, it was still a win!
Positive energy really is amazing when you let it drive you. I know that this week's feeling will not last; that life will catch up with me this weekend and you-know-what will hit the fan!
It's okay. I'm okay with the fact that next week may not be as great as this week. But, why have anything less than great days or great weeks? Certainly I could focus on the two mornings I woke up late this week. Or the days that I forgot to take my lunch to work. Or the fact that I was one of the only people who GAINED weight in the biggest loser competition.
Every day has it's challenges. But it's all about the way we view those challenges. It's possible that the stars have all aligned for me this week or my hormones are finally in check. Who really cares why? I just need to remember this feeling and make it last as long as possible and recreate it as often as I can.
There are so many people who in the midst of adversity amaze me. My hubby is someone I am extremely proud of these days. He is willing to take the high road in a difficult situation he is facing. His optimism and go-with-the-flow attitude is one that I wish I could somehow duplicate.
This Friday and as you head into the weekend, my wish for you is appreciation! Take time to appreciate the people in your life. Don't take for granted the fact that you have a home or your health or a family. There are families struggling to get pregnant, fighting to get out of homeless shelters, struggling through major medical conditions. Don't wait for the bottom to fall out in order to appreciate the gifts surrounding you at this very moment!
Appreciation is a gift that will open your heart & fill your life w/ joy.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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