Thursday, January 30, 2014

#fridayfolly: Is It Possible To NOT Have One?

I rolled out of bed Thursday morning and suffered through the coffee making and 30-minute workout video. As I finished my workout and enjoyed my morning caffeine, I started pondering what my #fridayfolly would be about.

There was about 30 minutes of pure glory ... thinking that I didn't have anything to write about; that maybe I didn't royally screw up this week.

I thought about the two nights I played cards with a kid instead of worrying about the million house things that needed to be done; about the night I laid in bed with my son just enjoying our time together; about the book I started reading again with my nine-year-old that had been on hold the last few months; about my date night with my #3 because of her amazing week; about the loving and fun times I had with my spouse!

For that 30 minutes on Thursday morning, I relished in the joy of my week. I felt proud of my true effort to enjoy as much of my week as I could and to not get caught up in the nuances of day to day living.

Are you wondering what squashed my relishing?

"Honey, do I have any clean underwear?"

Yep. That's right. I lived it up this week. I loved the heck out of the people in my life. I spent the time necessary for growing and nourishing the relationships in my life. BUT ... I failed to do the laundry!

I'd say, it was still a win!

Positive energy really is amazing when you let it drive you. I know that this week's feeling will not last; that life will catch up with me this weekend and you-know-what will hit the fan!

It's okay. I'm okay with the fact that next week may not be as great as this week. But, why have anything less than great days or great weeks? Certainly I could focus on the two mornings I woke up late this week. Or the days that I forgot to take my lunch to work. Or the fact that I was one of the only people who GAINED weight in the biggest loser competition.

Every day has it's challenges. But it's all about the way we view those challenges. It's possible that the stars have all aligned for me this week or my hormones are finally in check. Who really cares why? I just need to remember this feeling and make it last as long as possible and recreate it as often as I can.

There are so many people who in the midst of adversity amaze me. My hubby is someone I am extremely proud of these days. He is willing to take the high road in a difficult situation he is facing. His optimism and go-with-the-flow attitude is one that I wish I could somehow duplicate.

This Friday and as you head into the weekend, my wish for you is appreciation! Take time to appreciate the people in your life. Don't take for granted the fact that you have a home or your health or a family. There are families struggling to get pregnant, fighting to get out of homeless shelters, struggling through major medical conditions. Don't wait for the bottom to fall out in order to appreciate the gifts surrounding you at this very moment!

 Appreciation is a gift that will open your heart & fill your life w/ joy. 
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Monday, January 27, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Let Your Heart Lead The Way

I sometimes wish I could have met Helen Keller. I adore her quotes and wonder what it would be like to be in the presence of someone who truly had amazing desire, clear vision and an untouchable focus (not to mention the most optimistic view on life)!

My favorite Helen Keller quote: "The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt by the heart."

We must believe in what we are doing, the life we are living and the interactions we are encountering. Our heart must be the center of our actions!

Last week I introduced my latest read, The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon ( The book takes the main character, George, to a city bus driven by Joy. His horrible morning of a flat tire and later finding out that his car would take two weeks to fix allowed him to be transformed by the 'joy' that his bus driver brought him. The flat tire only touched the downhill events that were taking him in the wrong direction and he needed a positive transformation.

The book is based on 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy. The first rule, discussed last week, was You're The Driver Of Your Bus! It reminded us that we are the only ones who can take our bus where we desire it to go. We must have specific and clear visions for how we are going to get to our desired destination.

So, if we are to take control of our life, envision everything we want to have happen, what is the next step to making it happen?

Rules #2 & #3: Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction & Fuel Your Ride With Positive Energy

Our bus must be fueled with positive energy in order to maintain our desire, vision and focus. We cannot let the nuances of life block our road or cause us to lose our course.

I had a heavy heart driving to my daughter's basketball game on Sunday evening. I was thinking about a friend who had lost his brother in a car accident. Thoughts were streaming about how unfair it was that this man was taken so abruptly from his loving family.

As my thoughts were swarming, I saw the car in front of me swerve out into the far lane, nearly causing an accident. I had only a split second before I realized why he swerved. There was a very large, metal interstate sign in the middle of the road. I quickly scanned my left and two cars were beside me. My right was occupied by a semi-truck. I could have slammed on my brakes, but that would have done no one any good. I closed my eyes and let the sign slam into the hood of the car, then the windshield and over the back of the van.

A car behind me swerved, the sign landed atop another car ... but no accident occurred. We were all safe and sound. I didn't waste a second wondering if any damage was done to the van. Instead, I spent the remainder of the ride to basketball talking my daughter's ear off- grateful we were both still able to be chatting it up with one another.

Why does bad stuff have to happen in order for us to appreciate what we already have? Why can't we take hold of our lives and appreciate the crap out of every day we are given on this earth?

This Tuesday and every day this week- take the high road. Appreciate your blessings. Dream big. Drive your bus down the road you desire it to go. Stay focused on the really important things in your life and let go of all the rest.

It's okay if you've lost your focus recently. It's okay if your desires haven't been cheery in nature. It's okay if your vision has been taking you in the wrong direction.

Take it all back today. Decide right here and now to focus on what is really important in your life. Waste no more time on the negative and pull up your positive pants! Get back in the saddle (or the bus driving seat) and make your moments the best they can possibly be. Life is too short not to let your heart lead you to your desired destination!

Life is precious & all too short. 
Waste no time on the negativity. 
Focus on good. 
Desire w/ a strong heart. 
Envision your best.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Sunday, January 26, 2014

#marriagemonday: Are You Asking The Right Questions?

Isn't it funny how a single question can destroy your whole mood or lighten your whole day?

I was reading an article posted by The Huffington Post and it took me directly to a Saturday morning mishap.
The article, The Questions That Will Save Your Relationships, addresses how a simple question like, "How was your day?" can wreak havoc in your marriage, parenting or day to day relationships.

Questions are funny because when they are too broad, they leave you overwhelmed; trying to put all your emotions into a simple sentence. Yet, when they are too direct, they can leave you feeling inadequate and unprepared. There is an art, like most things in life, to asking the proper questions.

Saturday morning I was working out in the front room. It's difficult to squeeze in a workout when the Saturday morning chaos is alive and well. But, I was making it happen. Nineteen minutes into my 30-minute video is when one question destroyed my mood.

"Honey, do you have a list started for the store yet?"

He asked the question so kindly and without judgment. Yet, my emotions went straight to assuming inadequacy. It was Saturday morning. Our weekend was full of events ... wrestling practice, two basketball games, a wrestling tournament and a date night. All great stuff. But, life needed to happen too- cleaning, laundry, store, homework, etc. I SHOULD have had a list started.  

I rolled my eyes (in disgust with myself) and said in a frustrated tone, "No, I haven't started a list yet."

He took it personally and in turn, lashed out with disappointment in the way I was treating him. In his defense, whenever he asks me to get something at the store, I remind him to put it on the list because there is no way it will stick in my brain with the million other things I am trying to keep track of.

I tossed the workout weights down, grabbed the remote and clicked the TV off (slamming it down for effect as well) and stopped the DVD player quite abruptly.

It was a simple question. What the hell was my problem?

Instead of saying calmly to my hubby that I hadn't gotten a chance to make a list yet or think about what was needed at the store, I started beating myself up for not being better prepared (and made him feel like crap in the meantime).

We must weigh our questions heavily before asking and we must take a breath before answering negatively.

There was nothing wrong with his question. However, there was something wrong with the way I answered and the flood of emotions that went with his simple question.

The article I referred to earlier did such a phenomenal job of addressing the emotions that fill our hearts and minds when trying to answer simple questions. What if we were more thoughtful in our questions and more honest in our answers?

This #marriagemonday, concentrate on your questioning. Allow your spouse a chance to answer a question that won't leave him/her feeling overwhelmed. Instead of focusing on a whole day, find out about specific moments. Instead of only allowing a sentence or two for an answer, give time for elaboration. Place less judgment on each other, but also on yourself.

What's something that happened this weekend that made you feel loved by your spouse? Take time to tell him or her.

When was a moment this past weekend that you felt lonely? Share why in the midst of a relationship, you can still feel all alone.

What about your family has made you feel proud recently? Allow that moment to settle in your heart and mind and make sure to share that with the people who made it happen.

My husband I recovered from our morning mishap shortly after it happened ... though it's critical to realize the mishap could have been avoided completely. Asking thoughtful questions is just part of the equation; sharing honestly will give you the complete and correct answer.

I'll leave you with a difficult question to answer (see photo below)! Know there is no judgment in what fills your snapshot and remember my #fridayfolly ... our life is like a canvas. You're encouraged to throw as much color (and emotions into it as you can)! Have an awesome week. Take time to really LOVE those special people in your life- they are too precious to waste a single moment not appreciating the treasures they are!

 Thoughtful questions & honest answers lead to successful relationships. 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

#fridayfolly: Organzied Chaos or Major Cluster?

"Life is like a big canvas. You should throw all the paint on you can."
Author Unknown

I tell you what, our week has been FULL of color! Only as I look back at the picture we painted, I have to laugh and wonder, "Does it look like organized chaos or a major cluster?"

I came home Wednesday evening after teaching religious education. I teach this kindergarten class so that my #3 and I can get a little God in our lives ... a little support for our relationship (if you will!). 

Our #3 had been home sick that day, so I was at class solo. When I walked into the home, it was a little smokey and our sickie was asleep on the couch. Our son had been off at wrestling with a friend, but our other two daughters were wound beyond belief (and beyond hungry since it was already 7:30). 

The alarm then sounded. It wasn't the usual ... when our oven is dirty (that usually only takes a few seconds of fanning the alarm with the towel). I know it's beyond sad that we have a 'usual' way to stop the fire alarm from sounding when our dirty oven gets to smokey! Anyhoo, this was WAY different. 

Sickie was off the couch faster than a speeding bullet and tears immediately began. Our two-year-old started screaming and our oldest daughter tried not to panic (covering her ears and humming). 

As a last resort, the front and back doors were opened to create a flow of air. Mind you, it was below zero temperatures and papers began flying off the counter. 

Minutes after the alarm stopped, our son was dropped off by a friend. He walked in and questioned, "Who was cooking tonight?" Won't it be nice when the weather cooperates and my husband can go back to cooking cheeseburgers on the grill?

Life is a cluster, no matter how you look at it. This cluster looks different for each of us, but reality is ... Life is messy! 

When you look at your life, what do you see? Are you caught up in a cluster or are you able to classify it as organized chaos? 

Surely if we took a step back, if we looked at the amazing pieces of our life canvas, we'd be able to see the beauty. In the moment, it never feels right. We have to wait for the moment to pass before we can recognize how the colors all compliment one another. 

Whatever your chaos, no matter your cluster - take a moment to soak it all in. Note how each event in your life has changed you and made you more beautiful. We are who we are because of the events, people and circumstances that color our canvas. Don't waste time worrying about the brush you choose or creating the perfect masterpiece. Let your creativity flow. Let the chaos be what it is. Embrace the clusters your life is setting before you. 

Have an amazing weekend soaking in the beauty of the life you have been blessed with. Take time to recognize the artist you are and appreciate each talent you bring to the palette!

 Life can be chaotic. It's even a cluster at times. 
Chaos & clusters paint the canvas that is your life.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Monday, January 20, 2014

#tuesdaytip: You're the Driver of Your Bus!

I don't know if I've run out of tips to share or if I've found some tips that just can't go unshared! Either way, I've got a new focus for the next 10 Tuesdays!

A friend passed along a wonderful read and after finally diving into it, I realized the important words and message that fit the #tuesdaytip too well. I'm very grateful!

The Energy Bus, is an international bestseller by Jon Gordon. In this amazing read are 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy.

No matter where you are at in life or what struggles you are facing, this book is applicable. If you like what you read below and want to learn more, visit

As I began reading about a man who was facing losing his job, his marriage and life as he knew it, I was reminded that we don't have to hit rock bottom to make some positive changes in our lives.

One morning, George (the main character in the book), walked out to a flat tire. This fueled his negative energy and belief that his life was in shambles. He had to take the bus and was greeted by an annoying smiling woman. Her name, of course, was Joy! And boy, oh boy, did her name fit what she offered to George and what her message offers to all of us!

After much coaxing, she convinced George that he should at least listen to her 10 rules for life and see if maybe he couldn't have a turn-a-round in his downward spiral.

Rule #1: You're the Driver of Your Bus!

No matter how much we blame our frustrations, nuances or awful situations on everyone but ourselves, the truth remains that our life is what we make it. We can let life beat us down or we can take control of our life (or our bus) and drive the heck out of it!

We get to make our life what we want. We get to choose how we react to everything going on around us. We get to be the driver. Where will you choose to take your bus?

This is your energy bus. 
You're the diver. 
Did you know you can take your bus anywhere you want to go?
Say yes three times with me. Yes, yes, yes. 
You can take it to the movies, to the beach or the North Pole. 
Just say where you want to go and believe that it will be so. 
Because every journey and ride begins with a desire to go somewhere and do something and if you have a desire then you also have the power to make it happen.
-Taken from The Energy Bus (children's edition)

Monday, January 20th was a day to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Think back to his desires and his dreams. He had the power to make his vision happen. Though it did not happen over-night or without much despair, his dreams came true.

We won't all change the world with our visions. We probably won't make history or be the main character in a book written in the future ... but, that doesn't mean we can't live big, dream big and envision the very best for our world. 

So, this week, be an amazing driver for your bus. Spread a smile instead of a frown. Take time to think about where you want your bus to go. Whether you're changing diapers or filing tax forms, know your vision for your life; your health; your job; your relationships! If you can envision it, you can make it happen!

I hope you have a great week thinking big. I hope you have people around you cheering you on and wishing you all the best. I hope you believe that you are in control and your bus can take you where you want to go! 

You're the driver of your bus- take control, be amazing & travel great places. 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

#marriagemonday: Try Harder ... That's NOT Funny!

Sometimes our spouses think they are being funny- yet, we are just not laughing!

I'm beyond lucky to have a hubby to helps out around the house. He'll pick up my slack if there's an area needing assistance. Yet ... he LOVES to let me know when he's done his fair share. 

The other morning, I may have been a little sensitive or just not in the mood for his shenanigans. Who really knows?

I was putting some dishes in the dishwasher when it began ...

"Oh, do you know how to use the dishwasher? Do you remember how to load the dishes?"

That was just the start. 

I was bringing laundry down and he looks at my son. "I wonder if I should show her how to use the washing machine. It's been so long since she's done a load!"

Are you kidding? I've done every load of laundry the last ten years with the exception of last Thursday. He happened to be home with my son and truly did many, many loads of laundry. This was beyond wonderful- that is, until he rubbed it in my face!

Now, his joking comments were just that. He was trying to be funny. I suppose he should try harder next time!

My point in sharing this is that there are times when jokes and banter are good for the soul. And, then, there are times when we just need to be loved. When the other person isn't laughing, it's not funny!

A huge struggle in marriage is being on the same page at the exact same moment. Whether we are talking about eating healthy or fixing up the house or raising the children ... heck it can even be just making it through the day. 

When spouses aren't in sink with whatever facet of life, feelings can get hurt or emotions can rise. 

Communication is still (and will always be) the key. 

My hubby recognized my lack of enthusiasm for his comments. He looked at me with a pathetic grin and semi-caring look. "Awe, are you sensitive this morning? I'm just giving you a hard time. I'll stop."

And with that, we went on with our day. We must consider the feelings of our spouse (even when they aren't on our page or anywhere close to the pages we are turning). 

This #marriagemonday and throughout this week, take time to notice your spouse's reactions. Communicate in a positive way. Offer support and encouragement. Use less criticism and judgment. We are all guilty of assuming the worst in our better half. Let's use this week, instead, to see what shining stars we chose to wed!  

Take time to recognize how your spouse is feeling. 
Notice how your words impact him/her. 
Be willing to change your tune! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

#fridayfolly: The Laundry Can Wait

What's important to you? How do we begin to prioritize the million and one things in life that have to get done in order to live successfully?

At some point, we have to be able to understand what really matters ... I believe it's the relationships that really matter and everything else should be able to wait.

Now, surely, this is easier said than done.

Sunday night as I sat in the ER with my sister and my dad, I heard my mom (the patient) say what I thought was ridiculous at the time. "Well, I guess the laundry isn't going to get done today!"

In my mind, I couldn't wrap my brain around the fact that my mom was worried about the laundry, when we were just glad she was still on this earth able to complain about the undone household task.

Yet, I'm no better than her. Maybe the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

I find myself worried about the silliest things- thinking that if they don't get done, somehow my life will stop turning. This isn't true. At all.

We must seek to let go of some of the nuances that get in the way of us truly enjoying the people around us.

I came home tonight after a very long day- only to find our house immaculate and the laundry completely done. My hubby was home with a sick boy today and he out-did himself! I'm beyond grateful to not have to worry about minor household tasks that would have had to be done this weekend- and now I can just enjoy!

As you approach your weekend (hopefully a 3-day one at that!), try to let go of some of the things that can wait. Seek to appreciate and enjoy the people around you. Life is too short to worry if the laundry is going to get done (again, easier for me to say since ours is already complete)!

Our week is coming to a close. Surely there were follies in all of our days. Inevitably we've made mistakes that we can't take back. It's okay! Let go of the error and embrace love! Love not only those surrounding you, but please also don't forget to LOVE numero uno; number one; YOU! 

What are your priorities? 
Pick the people in your life & forget everything else! 
Do what you absolutely have to & !

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Monday, January 13, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Try To See The Big Picture!

There is no doubt that if we view our days in minor details or small interactions, discomfort and frustration will occur.

It can't be able all the little pieces parts that drive us batty, but rather has to be about the big picture; the overall success of our lives.

Whether you are talking about your job, your family, raising children, being married, volunteering; there are sure to be failures. If you pick apart anything long enough, you will find flaws.

Think of it as building a house. If we knew what our framework looked like underneath, would we trust that our house would stand for 100 years? Surely there were nails missed or mismatched wood used- those minor details won't cause our house to crumble and fall. 

It's the finished product. It's our overall life or job or relationship that we must consider. Is there more good than bad? Are there more positive things than negative?

Each and every day must be an adventure. The nuances that come up in our day, must be treated as surprises. Those surprises are sure to shock and sometimes scare us, but they can't get in the way of just enjoying the adventure laid out before us.

You know how they say you have to be careful when you give a survey? You have to do it around a time that people don't feel stressed or pressured or when some major catashrophe has NOT just happened. This is true because we are all human; we will all let our emotions get the best of us. And all we will think about when we take that survey is the last thing that just happened. More than likely, we will forget to view the big picture.

Why can one negative comment ruin a hundred positive ones? Why can one poor interaction spoil our thoughts about a person or an organization? If we want people to remember that we are human and full of error, then we must remember that about others as well!

This week I will strive to remember that my life is more good than bad. I will aim to see the good in those around me. I will seek out the big picture rather than dwelling on a few negative pieces parts.

If we all work to use this week as an opportunity for small surprises within one big adventure, I guarantee our week's will be full of more greatness and less imperfection. I promise that we will have more joy than hatred. And, our big pictures will look brighter than ever!

 : Each day is an adventure w/ many surprises. 
Some wonderful & some dreadful. 
Seek the big picture & let go of all the rest!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Sunday, January 12, 2014

#marriagemonday: You Know You're Married With Kids When ...

You go to not one grocery store on your date night- but TWO!

Yep, my hubby and I got out for a date night without children and we ventured to two different grocery stores. Now, prior to store shopping, we headed to dinner. A dinner that we could eat slowly and talk about life. It was extremely enjoyable.

Yet, the most enjoyable time we had was grocery shopping. I HATE grocery shopping, but it didn't seem all that bad sans kids and hanging out with my hubby.

He only farted in two different isles (and he even waited until no one else was around)! He only hummed a tune three different times and grabbed my butt once. We made it out of the store without a TV! And I was only slightly embarrassed on three different occassions.

I tell you all this because marriage can't be about the events. It's got to be about the time together. It shouldn't matter what we are doing with our spouse, as long as we are doing it as a team; united.

The first store that we were at, there was a toddler screaming for her mom at the top of her lungs. The mom kindly stated, "You don't have to scream, I can hear you just fine."

I turned around and said, "No worries, we've got four at home and that's nothing!"

She looked at the two of us and got the most jealous look on her face. "Are you two on a date night? I would die for a date night, even if it was just to the grocery store. You are SO lucky!"

Boy were we lucky and it was so nice to be reminded of the amazing time we were able to spend together- even at the store.

The evening ended with two large bowls of Orange Leaf yogurt. There were three different very young love bird couples in the store at the time. My hubby leaned in and chuckled, "We fit right in with all these youngsters!" Ha. More like stuck out like a sore thumb.

As we walked out the door, I noticed one couple was holding hands while they were eating ice cream. One eating with his left and one eating with her right hand. We laughed that after all this time, ice cream is WAY too important to waste time holding hands while eating it!

Happy #marriagemonday to you! Our date night can be a good reminder that it's not the quantity of time spent together or the way you spend your time- it's the quality and the effort put into the moments you get to share. It's being grateful for small wins in life; for tiny moments etched in time just being together.

Take a moment to enjoy your spouse today. No matter what it is you are doing- try your hardest to live in that moment and basque in the glory of being your complete awful self and having your spouse love you anyway!

Grocery store date night= fun in every isle! 
It's not what you are doing, but who you are doing it with!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Thursday, January 9, 2014

#fridayfolly: Making Changes ...

2014 is in full swing. Resolutions have come and gone. Some changes have been made. Some changes are still in the works.

As we begin our new year, it's okay if we've already screwed up. It's okay if our 'changed' and 'better' self isn't what we thought it would be. It's okay to miss what you've always known.

The thing that we often forget, is that when we stop doing a negative habit or try to add in a positive habit, we create a title wave of changes in our life. We start a domino effect that can't be put back together in a single swoop.

Change is hard. No matter what change you are dealing with. It's like any other loss in life and it will cause you to grieve. The grief will look different for every person involved and every person out there will handle their loss in their own way.

It will make you feel inadequate to think that a small change in your life can create such a ridiculous feeling inside you- but, it's normal.

It's normal to want to go back to the way it used to be. It's normal to feel lost in your new routine or habit. It's normal to wonder why you're so sensitive and not yourself.

Last week I blogged about my thousand resolutions. I mentioned that along with the things I was going to perfect in my life, I was also going to head back to work full time. Why? You might wonder why I thought that taking on so much so early in the year would be a good idea; would even be possible.

But, I'm probably not alone in thinking that a small change 'won't be that big of a deal' or 'shouldn't be all that difficult'. Pretty soon, though, all those little changes turn into one big cluster of balls that your trying to juggle (and they all seem to be going in different directions).

My #fridayfolly comes from the fact that I've realized the error in my ways (yes, I know, you'd think I'd run out of screw-ups to write about week after week ... what fun would that be?)!

As we all work through the challenges this year has already brought, please know that you are not alone in your struggles. There are people all over the world grieving the loss of what their life 'used' to be. There are millions wishing that they could handle the change better than they are.

So many people are even wanting to go back and decide that their lives weren't that bad before. Certainly the grass was greener when they were on the other side of the fence peeking over. Now that they are standing in the new lawn, it appears it wasn't as perfect or weed-less as it looked from afar.

Wherever you are at in this new year, just remember to do the best darn job you can. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Don't give up on a change that is important to you. But, also, don't make the change the basis of whether you are a success or not.

Take it all in stride. Take it one day at a time. Use your support system. Lean on those important people in your life. Recognize your strengths and talents. Believe in yourself! You can do (and I can too)!

P.S. My resolution to create crock-pot ready meals was a disaster this week. I mean, I actually precooked 3-4 of our meals thus far ... it's just that the outcome wasn't quite as it should have been. Peanut butter and jelly was eaten by the children tonight- so much for the darn shredded chicken tacos cooking all day. Not only did we waste our worlds' energy, but think of the money our family could have saved if we'd just all ate PB & J!

Change creates a sense of loss- a wanting for what used to be. 
It's okay to grieve the old you.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Monday, January 6, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Stop Wishing, Start Doing

My husbands famous words about wishing ...

"Why don't you wish in one hand and shit in the other- see which one fills up faster!"

There's your laugh-out-loud-moment for the day!

Even though it's a little much and quite disgusting, the analogy is a great one. It puts it all into perspective.

What are you wishing for these days?

A cleaner house?
Better behaved children?
A new job?
Losing weight?
Working out?
Better communication with your spouse?

Whatever it is you are wishing for, it can come true. But, you must first check-in on your life and where your wish fits in. You have to make a plan and then, unfortunately, you have to make some changes.

I, for one, am not a big fan of changes. Changes require adjustments in schedules. Changes require flexibility. Changes are darn hard.

Two nights ago I found myself wishing that my two-year-old would stop coming in our room in the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed.

As I wished for this, I thought back to a few weeks prior. She had come in. I took her back to her bed and slept with her for a short while to get her back to sleep. On her second venture into our room, I caved. I pulled her into our bed and just wanted to sleep (I didn't care if her knee was in my back the rest of the night).

When I woke up wet at 4:45 am, I thought it was odd that I was sweating so badly when night sweats aren't an issue for me. Turns out it wasn't sweat.

Yep. That's right. The two-year-old peed the bed. OUR BED. I don't think I've seen my husband jump so high or so fast in all our years of marriage. We were all soaked.

Back to my wish. You'd think that dreaded 'pee' morning would have been the last time I let her in our bed. Sadly it was not. There has been no more pee, but there have been a lot of nights we've had three people in a bed just big enough for two (we never got the King we hoped for long ago)!

If I want my wish to come true, I have to make some changes. I have to be ready for two to three nights of fighting the urge to just pull her into our bed. There will be tears and fighting and possibly waking up other children. There will also be very little sleep!

So, there you have it. A simple example of wishing. An analogy similar to 'shit', only ours was just 'pee'!

Wishes- don't give them up, just be willing to do what is necessary to make them happen.

This Tuesday, I hope your dreams come true. I hope you find the courage to make the changes necessary to achieve greatness; to reach for the stars! The next time you walk by a wishing well or pond, save your penny! Put your wish to good use by doing the work.

If you wish in one hand & shit in the other, which one fills up faster? 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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#marriagemonday: Back To The Basics

Good, bad or indifferent- it's important to take time occasionally to get back to the basics (even in your marriage ... even after lots of years).

Misunderstandings and miscommunication can happen any time of year, but it's maybe easier to understand at the beginning of a year when resolutions are in full swing.

Fears, failures, wishes, dreams, hopes, worries ... do you share all of these with your spouse? Do you have a resolution you are working on solo?

There are times we forget that our spouse CANNOT read our mind. Boy, wouldn't that make life easier?

If we take this #marriagemonday to get back to the basics with our spouse, hopefully we can avoid future 'discussions'!

What area needs basic attention in your marriage? Is it communicating the schedule? Sharing your emotions? Greeting one another with a smile and a kiss?

First evaluate ... then communicate!

Yesterday, I have to admit that we failed miserably.

It was my sons first wrestling tournament. My hubby took him early and I was to meet him with the other three kids. I was already irritated because one of my angels was taking forever to get ready and I just knew we were going to be late.

I called to check in on the way. He was just minutes away from wrestling and we were minutes away from the tournament.

We got there. Paid. Rushed in.

The gym was packed. I was carrying one, pushing one and pulling one ... trying to get through to the far side of the gym. The bleachers were packed. I spotted a place up high that we could unload.

I didn't see my hubby. He thought my daughter had pointed him out. I assumed he wasn't looking for us or saving us a spot. He assumed we didn't want to sit in the seats he had saved.

Long story short ... we didn't sit together. The kids were back and forth, up and down between the two of us. There were some hurt feelings and a very sad two and five-year-old. There were hours of the silent treatment.

All to find out - we each were assumming the wrong thing about the other.

Get back to the basics. Don't waste precious hours (like we did) over simple miscommunication.

Take time this #marriagemonday to chat with your spouse about where you are at in your New Year. Talk about your hopes and dreams. Share your worries and concerns. Take time for the two of you! And, communicate, communicate, communicate (even the little things make a big difference!)

: take time to get back to the basics. 
Don't forget-spouses CANNOT read minds.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Saturday, January 4, 2014

To Work or Not to Work ... The Mom Dilema Has NO Right Answer

A year and a half ago I began a leave of absence from my job. I knew I would have one year to DO IT RIGHT; to fix all the things I screwed up by being a working mom previously.

Now, as I prepare to hit the full-time road again, it's time to reflect on what I've learned from being a part-time working mom, a full-time working mom and a stay-at-home mom.

One things for sure ...I was NOT the PERFECT mom in any of these situations! Matter of fact, it turns out it's not about how much someone works or doesn't work- it's about appreciating the blessings in your life no matter the situation you are in (this is much easier said than done for we always assume the grass is greener on the other side).

 When I was working, I assumed that if I stayed at home ...

there would be more time to 'keep up' on daily living and cleaning.
life would be easier.
I would get more done.
I would cook every night.
I would enjoy my children more.
I would feel more connected to my kids' school.
I would be more organized.
I would work out more.
I would have more time to clip coupons. 
I wouldn't feel guilty all the time.
I wouldn't get as frustrated with my kids. 

Okay, you stay-at-home moms- go ahead and laugh.

The truth of the matter is, if you truly embrace the idea of being home with your children, you have to let go of the 'get-er-done' attitude. You have to slow down. You have to sit down. You have to relax enough to see the joy that can come from just being with your children (even though they will drive you insane some days).

When I stayed at home I realized that other things fill your time besides working. These 'things' add up to just as much as a full-time job. From volunteering to helping out other moms to getting involved in community events. Even without those 'things', being with your kids full-time takes your full attention and leaves you with no lunch break to escape. It's certainly not easier than working, it's just working in a different way.

As a stay-at-home mom, I realized ...

showers are overrated.
changing from pajama pants into yoga pants IS getting dressed.
getting ready gets in the way of getting down on the floor and playing.
dishes will get done- even if they sit for a day.
schedules can't run your life- your life has to run the schedule.
a clean house doesn't mean you had a productive day.
you don't have to leave the house to have an adventure.
even though they don't know how to say it, kids do appreciate you being home with them!

My year at home and my half year of working two days a week went by in a blink of an eye. As I look back, I remember some days being overwhelmingly long. Yet, the year was so short.

I know that I had more good times than bad with my kiddos when I was home. It wasn't perfect; it had it's moments. But, overall, I'm left with joy when I look back. I have no regrets. I learned so much about myself and about my kids.

All that being said, it's important for me to admit that I missed my job when I wasn't working. I'm good at my job. I like my job. It's okay if I want to work. It's okay that our lifestyle requires two incomes.

While working, though, the things I will miss most are ...

not having to rush, rush, rush.
walking my kids to school on beautiful mornings.
seeing my kids walk out of the school door and searching for me in my regular spot.
morning and after-nap cuddles.
adventures to the park, forest, zoo and friends houses.

afternoon snack with the kids.
staying up late.
letting my kids sleep in a little.
wearing my black yoga pants!
spending alone time with my #4 (boy am I going to miss her ... I tear up every time I think about it).

I know I can do it. I'm capable of balancing work and raising children. I will suck it up and get things done even when I wish I could leave it for tomorrow.

If money weren't an issue, I sometimes wonder- what would I choose? I get great purpose from my job. I know I am a community helper; I make a difference in many families lives. I help make people better. I am a fulfilled person while I am at work.

Why, then, do I still feel so guilty?

Before I stayed home, I told my husband how excited I was to do things like clean the blinds, organize the closets, get caught up on all my scrapbooks, etc. About a month into my 'home' adventure, I was in tears. These things were NOT getting done. My husband very sincerely stated, "We didn't have you stay at home so the house could be clean! Spending time with the kids is what you are supposed to be doing."

The funny thing is that we have spent the last two weeks over the holiday painting, cleaning and organizing our house. Everything I strove to get done, is now done. The blinds actually got cleaned. Funny, it feels good, but I'm damn glad I didn't waste time during my year and a half off.

I fully embraced the idea of being home. I did the best darn job I could. My kids still watched too much TV. I only did one real craft with them the whole year. I didn't read to them any more than when I was working. I still got frustrated and lost my temper. I still had guilt and wanted more out of my situation. But, man, I really did my very best.

There is no perfect way to raise your children. Staying at home, working part-time, working full-time ... you have to do what works for you and your family. There are amazing woman doing all three of these things. There are wonderful children being raised by all those amazing woman.

Wherever you are at in your 'mom' journey- I wish you all the best. I hope you are more at peace knowing that there is no right way to do it. You get as much out of the situation you are in as you put into it. Keep plugging away. Keep your head up. Keep believing that 'it's okay' to just do the best darn job you can (whatever that job may be!).

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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Thursday, January 2, 2014

#fridayfolly: "Mom, that's what you said you were going to do last year!"

We sat around our dinner table at lunch on New Year's Day and shared our resolutions for 2014!

My #3 made a disgusted face to start the conversation! In her most irritated tone possible, "What's a resolution anyway?"

My #1 got very serious. "It's something you want to try to do better the next year. I want to stay fit during the spring and summer since basketball will be over."

I know. I know. Pathetic. It's a first born thing- always on the ball and knows exactly what she wants out of life.

We continued to go around and chime in here and there about things we would like to improve. I started my list by saying, "I'd like to get up early every morning and do 20-30 minutes of my workout video!"

Our #2 looked very doubtful. "Every morning?"

I stayed optimistic and stated, "Yes, I think I can do that."

Something then happened with #3 (I don't even recall what irritated me that time) and I almost lost my temper. But, instead, I took a deep breath and said very calmly, "I'm also not going to yell this year."

#1 called me out without missing a beat! "Mom, that's what you said you were going to do last year!"

"Well, it's a new year and I am going to try." I couldn't believe she called me out.

Try I will. But, I guarantee some days I will fail. And, it will be okay.

However, the thing that is not okay, is setting myself up for failure. It's not realistic for me NEVER to lose my temper. Surely, I can do better, but one should never say never. One should know his/her own limitations.

I mean, let me just give you my full list of resolutions and remember ... do as I say, not as I do! DO NOT MAKE TOO MANY RESOLUTIONS! I did, and I'm already struggling to keep up. Heck, I can't even remember them all!

1. Keep our house looking as it does today (seriously, we just painted the entire house and put it back together. It will last for maybe a week ... tops!).

2. Get up every morning and do 20-30 minutes of exercise (why on earth would I say every day? Let's shoot for four days a week and see how that goes!).

3. Never yell again (we've already covered how ridiculous this one is!).

4. Prepare 2-3 crock-pot meals a week ahead of time so I can just pop them in in the morning (I'm going back to work full-time ... let's get real for a moment ... this will last for maybe a week, if even ... I've never been one to prepare ahead of time!).

5. Do a load of laundry every night and put it away (good intentions are just that. If I would just do a load a night then I'd never be overwhelmed with 3-7 at a time ... it's a shame that I just rewashed a load that was in there for more than a day- ugh, failure already!).

6. Go to be earlier
7. Eat healthier
8. Read more
9. Spend more time reading and talking with my kids at night

10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15 ...

Do you see my folly? Do you understand why I need to believe my philosophy that 'it's okay'? I'm obviously NOT going to be able to keep my resolutions. I'm going to mess up. I'm going to fail.

I think I'm going to revise my list!

Here's to your first Friday after the New Year. I hope you haven't messed up your resolution already. If you have, just remember, 'it's okay'! And, you're not the only one.

My advice to myself and to you if needed: Start Small! Pick one thing and gradually add that one thing into your life until it becomes ingrained into what you are already doing. It can take up to 21 days to build/change a habit. And even then, you may relapse.

Start small. Stay strong. Praise yourself for small feats. Don't beat yourself up for minor setbacks.

Happy New Year! A fresh start. A grand opportunity. A chance to be the best you possible- remember, though, you're already amazing just the way you are!

 The new year has begun.
 Resolutions have been made & some already broken. 
Change is hard! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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