Monday, January 27, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Let Your Heart Lead The Way

I sometimes wish I could have met Helen Keller. I adore her quotes and wonder what it would be like to be in the presence of someone who truly had amazing desire, clear vision and an untouchable focus (not to mention the most optimistic view on life)!

My favorite Helen Keller quote: "The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt by the heart."

We must believe in what we are doing, the life we are living and the interactions we are encountering. Our heart must be the center of our actions!

Last week I introduced my latest read, The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon ( The book takes the main character, George, to a city bus driven by Joy. His horrible morning of a flat tire and later finding out that his car would take two weeks to fix allowed him to be transformed by the 'joy' that his bus driver brought him. The flat tire only touched the downhill events that were taking him in the wrong direction and he needed a positive transformation.

The book is based on 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy. The first rule, discussed last week, was You're The Driver Of Your Bus! It reminded us that we are the only ones who can take our bus where we desire it to go. We must have specific and clear visions for how we are going to get to our desired destination.

So, if we are to take control of our life, envision everything we want to have happen, what is the next step to making it happen?

Rules #2 & #3: Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction & Fuel Your Ride With Positive Energy

Our bus must be fueled with positive energy in order to maintain our desire, vision and focus. We cannot let the nuances of life block our road or cause us to lose our course.

I had a heavy heart driving to my daughter's basketball game on Sunday evening. I was thinking about a friend who had lost his brother in a car accident. Thoughts were streaming about how unfair it was that this man was taken so abruptly from his loving family.

As my thoughts were swarming, I saw the car in front of me swerve out into the far lane, nearly causing an accident. I had only a split second before I realized why he swerved. There was a very large, metal interstate sign in the middle of the road. I quickly scanned my left and two cars were beside me. My right was occupied by a semi-truck. I could have slammed on my brakes, but that would have done no one any good. I closed my eyes and let the sign slam into the hood of the car, then the windshield and over the back of the van.

A car behind me swerved, the sign landed atop another car ... but no accident occurred. We were all safe and sound. I didn't waste a second wondering if any damage was done to the van. Instead, I spent the remainder of the ride to basketball talking my daughter's ear off- grateful we were both still able to be chatting it up with one another.

Why does bad stuff have to happen in order for us to appreciate what we already have? Why can't we take hold of our lives and appreciate the crap out of every day we are given on this earth?

This Tuesday and every day this week- take the high road. Appreciate your blessings. Dream big. Drive your bus down the road you desire it to go. Stay focused on the really important things in your life and let go of all the rest.

It's okay if you've lost your focus recently. It's okay if your desires haven't been cheery in nature. It's okay if your vision has been taking you in the wrong direction.

Take it all back today. Decide right here and now to focus on what is really important in your life. Waste no more time on the negative and pull up your positive pants! Get back in the saddle (or the bus driving seat) and make your moments the best they can possibly be. Life is too short not to let your heart lead you to your desired destination!

Life is precious & all too short. 
Waste no time on the negativity. 
Focus on good. 
Desire w/ a strong heart. 
Envision your best.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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