Thursday, January 9, 2014

#fridayfolly: Making Changes ...

2014 is in full swing. Resolutions have come and gone. Some changes have been made. Some changes are still in the works.

As we begin our new year, it's okay if we've already screwed up. It's okay if our 'changed' and 'better' self isn't what we thought it would be. It's okay to miss what you've always known.

The thing that we often forget, is that when we stop doing a negative habit or try to add in a positive habit, we create a title wave of changes in our life. We start a domino effect that can't be put back together in a single swoop.

Change is hard. No matter what change you are dealing with. It's like any other loss in life and it will cause you to grieve. The grief will look different for every person involved and every person out there will handle their loss in their own way.

It will make you feel inadequate to think that a small change in your life can create such a ridiculous feeling inside you- but, it's normal.

It's normal to want to go back to the way it used to be. It's normal to feel lost in your new routine or habit. It's normal to wonder why you're so sensitive and not yourself.

Last week I blogged about my thousand resolutions. I mentioned that along with the things I was going to perfect in my life, I was also going to head back to work full time. Why? You might wonder why I thought that taking on so much so early in the year would be a good idea; would even be possible.

But, I'm probably not alone in thinking that a small change 'won't be that big of a deal' or 'shouldn't be all that difficult'. Pretty soon, though, all those little changes turn into one big cluster of balls that your trying to juggle (and they all seem to be going in different directions).

My #fridayfolly comes from the fact that I've realized the error in my ways (yes, I know, you'd think I'd run out of screw-ups to write about week after week ... what fun would that be?)!

As we all work through the challenges this year has already brought, please know that you are not alone in your struggles. There are people all over the world grieving the loss of what their life 'used' to be. There are millions wishing that they could handle the change better than they are.

So many people are even wanting to go back and decide that their lives weren't that bad before. Certainly the grass was greener when they were on the other side of the fence peeking over. Now that they are standing in the new lawn, it appears it wasn't as perfect or weed-less as it looked from afar.

Wherever you are at in this new year, just remember to do the best darn job you can. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Don't give up on a change that is important to you. But, also, don't make the change the basis of whether you are a success or not.

Take it all in stride. Take it one day at a time. Use your support system. Lean on those important people in your life. Recognize your strengths and talents. Believe in yourself! You can do (and I can too)!

P.S. My resolution to create crock-pot ready meals was a disaster this week. I mean, I actually precooked 3-4 of our meals thus far ... it's just that the outcome wasn't quite as it should have been. Peanut butter and jelly was eaten by the children tonight- so much for the darn shredded chicken tacos cooking all day. Not only did we waste our worlds' energy, but think of the money our family could have saved if we'd just all ate PB & J!

Change creates a sense of loss- a wanting for what used to be. 
It's okay to grieve the old you.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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