Monday, January 20, 2014

#tuesdaytip: You're the Driver of Your Bus!

I don't know if I've run out of tips to share or if I've found some tips that just can't go unshared! Either way, I've got a new focus for the next 10 Tuesdays!

A friend passed along a wonderful read and after finally diving into it, I realized the important words and message that fit the #tuesdaytip too well. I'm very grateful!

The Energy Bus, is an international bestseller by Jon Gordon. In this amazing read are 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy.

No matter where you are at in life or what struggles you are facing, this book is applicable. If you like what you read below and want to learn more, visit

As I began reading about a man who was facing losing his job, his marriage and life as he knew it, I was reminded that we don't have to hit rock bottom to make some positive changes in our lives.

One morning, George (the main character in the book), walked out to a flat tire. This fueled his negative energy and belief that his life was in shambles. He had to take the bus and was greeted by an annoying smiling woman. Her name, of course, was Joy! And boy, oh boy, did her name fit what she offered to George and what her message offers to all of us!

After much coaxing, she convinced George that he should at least listen to her 10 rules for life and see if maybe he couldn't have a turn-a-round in his downward spiral.

Rule #1: You're the Driver of Your Bus!

No matter how much we blame our frustrations, nuances or awful situations on everyone but ourselves, the truth remains that our life is what we make it. We can let life beat us down or we can take control of our life (or our bus) and drive the heck out of it!

We get to make our life what we want. We get to choose how we react to everything going on around us. We get to be the driver. Where will you choose to take your bus?

This is your energy bus. 
You're the diver. 
Did you know you can take your bus anywhere you want to go?
Say yes three times with me. Yes, yes, yes. 
You can take it to the movies, to the beach or the North Pole. 
Just say where you want to go and believe that it will be so. 
Because every journey and ride begins with a desire to go somewhere and do something and if you have a desire then you also have the power to make it happen.
-Taken from The Energy Bus (children's edition)

Monday, January 20th was a day to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Think back to his desires and his dreams. He had the power to make his vision happen. Though it did not happen over-night or without much despair, his dreams came true.

We won't all change the world with our visions. We probably won't make history or be the main character in a book written in the future ... but, that doesn't mean we can't live big, dream big and envision the very best for our world. 

So, this week, be an amazing driver for your bus. Spread a smile instead of a frown. Take time to think about where you want your bus to go. Whether you're changing diapers or filing tax forms, know your vision for your life; your health; your job; your relationships! If you can envision it, you can make it happen!

I hope you have a great week thinking big. I hope you have people around you cheering you on and wishing you all the best. I hope you believe that you are in control and your bus can take you where you want to go! 

You're the driver of your bus- take control, be amazing & travel great places. 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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