Thursday, January 16, 2014

#fridayfolly: The Laundry Can Wait

What's important to you? How do we begin to prioritize the million and one things in life that have to get done in order to live successfully?

At some point, we have to be able to understand what really matters ... I believe it's the relationships that really matter and everything else should be able to wait.

Now, surely, this is easier said than done.

Sunday night as I sat in the ER with my sister and my dad, I heard my mom (the patient) say what I thought was ridiculous at the time. "Well, I guess the laundry isn't going to get done today!"

In my mind, I couldn't wrap my brain around the fact that my mom was worried about the laundry, when we were just glad she was still on this earth able to complain about the undone household task.

Yet, I'm no better than her. Maybe the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

I find myself worried about the silliest things- thinking that if they don't get done, somehow my life will stop turning. This isn't true. At all.

We must seek to let go of some of the nuances that get in the way of us truly enjoying the people around us.

I came home tonight after a very long day- only to find our house immaculate and the laundry completely done. My hubby was home with a sick boy today and he out-did himself! I'm beyond grateful to not have to worry about minor household tasks that would have had to be done this weekend- and now I can just enjoy!

As you approach your weekend (hopefully a 3-day one at that!), try to let go of some of the things that can wait. Seek to appreciate and enjoy the people around you. Life is too short to worry if the laundry is going to get done (again, easier for me to say since ours is already complete)!

Our week is coming to a close. Surely there were follies in all of our days. Inevitably we've made mistakes that we can't take back. It's okay! Let go of the error and embrace love! Love not only those surrounding you, but please also don't forget to LOVE numero uno; number one; YOU! 

What are your priorities? 
Pick the people in your life & forget everything else! 
Do what you absolutely have to & !

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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