Monday, January 13, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Try To See The Big Picture!

There is no doubt that if we view our days in minor details or small interactions, discomfort and frustration will occur.

It can't be able all the little pieces parts that drive us batty, but rather has to be about the big picture; the overall success of our lives.

Whether you are talking about your job, your family, raising children, being married, volunteering; there are sure to be failures. If you pick apart anything long enough, you will find flaws.

Think of it as building a house. If we knew what our framework looked like underneath, would we trust that our house would stand for 100 years? Surely there were nails missed or mismatched wood used- those minor details won't cause our house to crumble and fall. 

It's the finished product. It's our overall life or job or relationship that we must consider. Is there more good than bad? Are there more positive things than negative?

Each and every day must be an adventure. The nuances that come up in our day, must be treated as surprises. Those surprises are sure to shock and sometimes scare us, but they can't get in the way of just enjoying the adventure laid out before us.

You know how they say you have to be careful when you give a survey? You have to do it around a time that people don't feel stressed or pressured or when some major catashrophe has NOT just happened. This is true because we are all human; we will all let our emotions get the best of us. And all we will think about when we take that survey is the last thing that just happened. More than likely, we will forget to view the big picture.

Why can one negative comment ruin a hundred positive ones? Why can one poor interaction spoil our thoughts about a person or an organization? If we want people to remember that we are human and full of error, then we must remember that about others as well!

This week I will strive to remember that my life is more good than bad. I will aim to see the good in those around me. I will seek out the big picture rather than dwelling on a few negative pieces parts.

If we all work to use this week as an opportunity for small surprises within one big adventure, I guarantee our week's will be full of more greatness and less imperfection. I promise that we will have more joy than hatred. And, our big pictures will look brighter than ever!

 : Each day is an adventure w/ many surprises. 
Some wonderful & some dreadful. 
Seek the big picture & let go of all the rest!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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