Sunday, January 19, 2014

#marriagemonday: Try Harder ... That's NOT Funny!

Sometimes our spouses think they are being funny- yet, we are just not laughing!

I'm beyond lucky to have a hubby to helps out around the house. He'll pick up my slack if there's an area needing assistance. Yet ... he LOVES to let me know when he's done his fair share. 

The other morning, I may have been a little sensitive or just not in the mood for his shenanigans. Who really knows?

I was putting some dishes in the dishwasher when it began ...

"Oh, do you know how to use the dishwasher? Do you remember how to load the dishes?"

That was just the start. 

I was bringing laundry down and he looks at my son. "I wonder if I should show her how to use the washing machine. It's been so long since she's done a load!"

Are you kidding? I've done every load of laundry the last ten years with the exception of last Thursday. He happened to be home with my son and truly did many, many loads of laundry. This was beyond wonderful- that is, until he rubbed it in my face!

Now, his joking comments were just that. He was trying to be funny. I suppose he should try harder next time!

My point in sharing this is that there are times when jokes and banter are good for the soul. And, then, there are times when we just need to be loved. When the other person isn't laughing, it's not funny!

A huge struggle in marriage is being on the same page at the exact same moment. Whether we are talking about eating healthy or fixing up the house or raising the children ... heck it can even be just making it through the day. 

When spouses aren't in sink with whatever facet of life, feelings can get hurt or emotions can rise. 

Communication is still (and will always be) the key. 

My hubby recognized my lack of enthusiasm for his comments. He looked at me with a pathetic grin and semi-caring look. "Awe, are you sensitive this morning? I'm just giving you a hard time. I'll stop."

And with that, we went on with our day. We must consider the feelings of our spouse (even when they aren't on our page or anywhere close to the pages we are turning). 

This #marriagemonday and throughout this week, take time to notice your spouse's reactions. Communicate in a positive way. Offer support and encouragement. Use less criticism and judgment. We are all guilty of assuming the worst in our better half. Let's use this week, instead, to see what shining stars we chose to wed!  

Take time to recognize how your spouse is feeling. 
Notice how your words impact him/her. 
Be willing to change your tune! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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