Monday, January 6, 2014

#marriagemonday: Back To The Basics

Good, bad or indifferent- it's important to take time occasionally to get back to the basics (even in your marriage ... even after lots of years).

Misunderstandings and miscommunication can happen any time of year, but it's maybe easier to understand at the beginning of a year when resolutions are in full swing.

Fears, failures, wishes, dreams, hopes, worries ... do you share all of these with your spouse? Do you have a resolution you are working on solo?

There are times we forget that our spouse CANNOT read our mind. Boy, wouldn't that make life easier?

If we take this #marriagemonday to get back to the basics with our spouse, hopefully we can avoid future 'discussions'!

What area needs basic attention in your marriage? Is it communicating the schedule? Sharing your emotions? Greeting one another with a smile and a kiss?

First evaluate ... then communicate!

Yesterday, I have to admit that we failed miserably.

It was my sons first wrestling tournament. My hubby took him early and I was to meet him with the other three kids. I was already irritated because one of my angels was taking forever to get ready and I just knew we were going to be late.

I called to check in on the way. He was just minutes away from wrestling and we were minutes away from the tournament.

We got there. Paid. Rushed in.

The gym was packed. I was carrying one, pushing one and pulling one ... trying to get through to the far side of the gym. The bleachers were packed. I spotted a place up high that we could unload.

I didn't see my hubby. He thought my daughter had pointed him out. I assumed he wasn't looking for us or saving us a spot. He assumed we didn't want to sit in the seats he had saved.

Long story short ... we didn't sit together. The kids were back and forth, up and down between the two of us. There were some hurt feelings and a very sad two and five-year-old. There were hours of the silent treatment.

All to find out - we each were assumming the wrong thing about the other.

Get back to the basics. Don't waste precious hours (like we did) over simple miscommunication.

Take time this #marriagemonday to chat with your spouse about where you are at in your New Year. Talk about your hopes and dreams. Share your worries and concerns. Take time for the two of you! And, communicate, communicate, communicate (even the little things make a big difference!)

: take time to get back to the basics. 
Don't forget-spouses CANNOT read minds.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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