Monday, January 6, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Stop Wishing, Start Doing

My husbands famous words about wishing ...

"Why don't you wish in one hand and shit in the other- see which one fills up faster!"

There's your laugh-out-loud-moment for the day!

Even though it's a little much and quite disgusting, the analogy is a great one. It puts it all into perspective.

What are you wishing for these days?

A cleaner house?
Better behaved children?
A new job?
Losing weight?
Working out?
Better communication with your spouse?

Whatever it is you are wishing for, it can come true. But, you must first check-in on your life and where your wish fits in. You have to make a plan and then, unfortunately, you have to make some changes.

I, for one, am not a big fan of changes. Changes require adjustments in schedules. Changes require flexibility. Changes are darn hard.

Two nights ago I found myself wishing that my two-year-old would stop coming in our room in the middle of the night and sleeping in our bed.

As I wished for this, I thought back to a few weeks prior. She had come in. I took her back to her bed and slept with her for a short while to get her back to sleep. On her second venture into our room, I caved. I pulled her into our bed and just wanted to sleep (I didn't care if her knee was in my back the rest of the night).

When I woke up wet at 4:45 am, I thought it was odd that I was sweating so badly when night sweats aren't an issue for me. Turns out it wasn't sweat.

Yep. That's right. The two-year-old peed the bed. OUR BED. I don't think I've seen my husband jump so high or so fast in all our years of marriage. We were all soaked.

Back to my wish. You'd think that dreaded 'pee' morning would have been the last time I let her in our bed. Sadly it was not. There has been no more pee, but there have been a lot of nights we've had three people in a bed just big enough for two (we never got the King we hoped for long ago)!

If I want my wish to come true, I have to make some changes. I have to be ready for two to three nights of fighting the urge to just pull her into our bed. There will be tears and fighting and possibly waking up other children. There will also be very little sleep!

So, there you have it. A simple example of wishing. An analogy similar to 'shit', only ours was just 'pee'!

Wishes- don't give them up, just be willing to do what is necessary to make them happen.

This Tuesday, I hope your dreams come true. I hope you find the courage to make the changes necessary to achieve greatness; to reach for the stars! The next time you walk by a wishing well or pond, save your penny! Put your wish to good use by doing the work.

If you wish in one hand & shit in the other, which one fills up faster? 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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