Thursday, January 23, 2014

#fridayfolly: Organzied Chaos or Major Cluster?

"Life is like a big canvas. You should throw all the paint on you can."
Author Unknown

I tell you what, our week has been FULL of color! Only as I look back at the picture we painted, I have to laugh and wonder, "Does it look like organized chaos or a major cluster?"

I came home Wednesday evening after teaching religious education. I teach this kindergarten class so that my #3 and I can get a little God in our lives ... a little support for our relationship (if you will!). 

Our #3 had been home sick that day, so I was at class solo. When I walked into the home, it was a little smokey and our sickie was asleep on the couch. Our son had been off at wrestling with a friend, but our other two daughters were wound beyond belief (and beyond hungry since it was already 7:30). 

The alarm then sounded. It wasn't the usual ... when our oven is dirty (that usually only takes a few seconds of fanning the alarm with the towel). I know it's beyond sad that we have a 'usual' way to stop the fire alarm from sounding when our dirty oven gets to smokey! Anyhoo, this was WAY different. 

Sickie was off the couch faster than a speeding bullet and tears immediately began. Our two-year-old started screaming and our oldest daughter tried not to panic (covering her ears and humming). 

As a last resort, the front and back doors were opened to create a flow of air. Mind you, it was below zero temperatures and papers began flying off the counter. 

Minutes after the alarm stopped, our son was dropped off by a friend. He walked in and questioned, "Who was cooking tonight?" Won't it be nice when the weather cooperates and my husband can go back to cooking cheeseburgers on the grill?

Life is a cluster, no matter how you look at it. This cluster looks different for each of us, but reality is ... Life is messy! 

When you look at your life, what do you see? Are you caught up in a cluster or are you able to classify it as organized chaos? 

Surely if we took a step back, if we looked at the amazing pieces of our life canvas, we'd be able to see the beauty. In the moment, it never feels right. We have to wait for the moment to pass before we can recognize how the colors all compliment one another. 

Whatever your chaos, no matter your cluster - take a moment to soak it all in. Note how each event in your life has changed you and made you more beautiful. We are who we are because of the events, people and circumstances that color our canvas. Don't waste time worrying about the brush you choose or creating the perfect masterpiece. Let your creativity flow. Let the chaos be what it is. Embrace the clusters your life is setting before you. 

Have an amazing weekend soaking in the beauty of the life you have been blessed with. Take time to recognize the artist you are and appreciate each talent you bring to the palette!

 Life can be chaotic. It's even a cluster at times. 
Chaos & clusters paint the canvas that is your life.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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