Sunday, January 12, 2014

#marriagemonday: You Know You're Married With Kids When ...

You go to not one grocery store on your date night- but TWO!

Yep, my hubby and I got out for a date night without children and we ventured to two different grocery stores. Now, prior to store shopping, we headed to dinner. A dinner that we could eat slowly and talk about life. It was extremely enjoyable.

Yet, the most enjoyable time we had was grocery shopping. I HATE grocery shopping, but it didn't seem all that bad sans kids and hanging out with my hubby.

He only farted in two different isles (and he even waited until no one else was around)! He only hummed a tune three different times and grabbed my butt once. We made it out of the store without a TV! And I was only slightly embarrassed on three different occassions.

I tell you all this because marriage can't be about the events. It's got to be about the time together. It shouldn't matter what we are doing with our spouse, as long as we are doing it as a team; united.

The first store that we were at, there was a toddler screaming for her mom at the top of her lungs. The mom kindly stated, "You don't have to scream, I can hear you just fine."

I turned around and said, "No worries, we've got four at home and that's nothing!"

She looked at the two of us and got the most jealous look on her face. "Are you two on a date night? I would die for a date night, even if it was just to the grocery store. You are SO lucky!"

Boy were we lucky and it was so nice to be reminded of the amazing time we were able to spend together- even at the store.

The evening ended with two large bowls of Orange Leaf yogurt. There were three different very young love bird couples in the store at the time. My hubby leaned in and chuckled, "We fit right in with all these youngsters!" Ha. More like stuck out like a sore thumb.

As we walked out the door, I noticed one couple was holding hands while they were eating ice cream. One eating with his left and one eating with her right hand. We laughed that after all this time, ice cream is WAY too important to waste time holding hands while eating it!

Happy #marriagemonday to you! Our date night can be a good reminder that it's not the quantity of time spent together or the way you spend your time- it's the quality and the effort put into the moments you get to share. It's being grateful for small wins in life; for tiny moments etched in time just being together.

Take a moment to enjoy your spouse today. No matter what it is you are doing- try your hardest to live in that moment and basque in the glory of being your complete awful self and having your spouse love you anyway!

Grocery store date night= fun in every isle! 
It's not what you are doing, but who you are doing it with!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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